Capitol Police Are Investigating Whether Lawmakers Gave Tours To Rioters Before Capitol Attack | Talking Points Memo

The only thing more narcissistic than believing there is no higher power than oneself in the universe is believing that the greater power is an anthropomorphic angry white male that does stuff just for you…


First koan (reflective question) in the 13th century Rinzai Zen collection called The Gateless Gate.

A monk asked Zhaozhou Congshen, a Chinese Zen master (known as Jōshū in Japanese), “Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?” Zhaozhou answered, “Wú” (in Japanese, Mu)

Meaning–say I, who never passed even one koan–“Asking whether a dog has the Buddha-nature [the capacity to become enlightened] is an unanswerable question, and so my answer to you is NOTHING.”

Of course, there’s a regional pronunciation, so I’m told, of “Mu” which sounds more like


So maybe Jōshū was saying “the dog knows its own nature; stop asking stupid questions.”

:pray: :upside_down_face:


Sometimes I say (if pressed about my “beliefs”) that I put my faith in “gravity”, as people who ask generally wouldn’t be familiar with Einstein’s theories.


MU is from the Zen Buddhist tradition (Asia, and mostly from Zen strongholds, like Japan and Korea.) (Japanese = Mu, in Chinese tradition = Wu). You might know of the koans, the hard questions given to zen students: What is the sound of one hand clapping?, or Does a dog have buddha nature? A common answer is given as “Mu.” I have often said (this is not original to me) “To understand nothing takes a good, long time.” :pray:

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Is it unanswerable, or is it ill-formed? There’s a whole class of questions in physics and philosophy where the question itself presupposes a category error. “Does god exist” is famously supposed to be one of those, because first you have to define the a priori undefinable…


Also: make sure and keep the dirty women down

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Maybe he was! Also, maybe @paulw is right. I agree with the idea that it is the wrong question. Take it up with your doggies. They seem (to me) to be much closer to the zen tradition of living in the moment that any of us are…


From Yes, Minister (which ought to be on the required curriculum for anyone who cares how government works):

Sir Humphrey: The fourth, there’s the excuse we used for the Munich agreement. It occurred before certain important facts were known, and couldn’t happen again.

Jim: What important facts?

Sir Humphrey: Well, that Hitler wanted to conquer Europe.

Jim: I thought everybody knew that.

Sir Humphrey: Not the Foreign Office.


You’ve just described most of the HQ cafeteria.

Also, our field operatives.


Direct deposit, because I got a refund from IRS last year. I believe for people on SSI, or Medicare benefits without IRS tax filings, $600 is deposited on their Debit Cards. And, the word is out that in Biden’s stimulus package, there will be an additional $1400 coming in the future. I have much compassion for those who really need those payments, “toot sweet.”

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Who has DJT been calling from his office? His schedule says he is busy making phone calls.

far-right media:

  • amren (American Renaissance)
  • The Unz Review

white nationalist social media platforms:

  • Daily Stormer

social media taken over by far right:

far-right personalities:

  • Nick Fuentes (Groyper Army)
  • Patrick Casey (Identity Evropa)
  • Ethan Ralph (Killstream podcast)
  • Vincent Reynouard (Holocaust denier)
  • (video blogger)


  • unknown 1
  • unknown 2



I hope that the Democrats in the House and Senate are not in a forgiving mode. After being forced into hiding by a raging mob AND exposed to COVID-19 by Republican “colleagues” (aka selfish assholes - but I repeat myself) who refused to wear masks I REALLY hope their memories will be long and they will be keeping VERY close track of the investigators and their work - and Speaker Pelosi’s tapping of retired Lt. Gen. Honore to investigate is, I think, a good sign.


The dying wails of a fruit fly?


Card carryin’ one, myself! R’amen, sibling.

p.s., I find this facebook group quite fun

I have to laugh :laughing:

Also to @dr_coyote

I saw the entry for my zen calendar this am. It is from Will Durant, who said:
Nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say.

With that, I am speechless…


Neither of my parents got a refund last year, no earned income as they’re both retired and no withdrawals from their relatively modest unearned income. But they did file a basic return, before the first stimulus payments went out, and receive their SS via direct deposit into their bank accounts. The first time they got a paper check. This time my dad got DD but my mom was told to expect a paper check, which she hasn’t gotten yet. I spoke to her mail carrier and he said he hasn’t seen anyone’s checks yet.

And now I understand that if you didn’t get it (or it wasn’t sent out) by the 15th, you might not get it and will have to file a return and request a refund for this amount, but that because the IRS is swamped and understaffed, both because of the pandemic and budget cutbacks, who knows when you’ll actually get such a refund.

Worst president ever. Fucking plays golf while people lose their homes, assets and lives. Thankfully my mom should be ok (just got her first shot too), but was counting on this payment for various things.


Let’s not forget that she is also on the hook for potential charges out of NY against the Trump Org., of which she’s long been an officer and executive. I expect that she, Eric and Don Jr. are in for a bumpy ride. That won’t sell well on the political front.


Senator Sick Rott

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