On the defensive for a distant campaigning style and flagging poll numbers, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida has hit the campaign trail in early primary and caucus states with an apparent mission to reassure supporters he can act normal. DAVENPORT,…
And what the heck do they mean “act” normal. How about “being” normal.
But to the main point, is being or “acting” normal subjective or objective? That is to Republican primary voters Trump is normal or at a minimum has been normalized.
Which brings up the next question, to the extent “acting” normal is objective, do Republican primary voters want normal or again, do they want Donald Trump or White nationalism or…?
It would be disappointing and disconcerting to spend a few hours with a bunch of people slavishly devoted to MAGA world and find out they considered you to be normal.
'Hey Gunther, how’s the new guy working out running the Zyklon B showers?"
“Oh, he’s doing great, seems like a normal guy to me.”