Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Richard Burr (R-NC) expects the Senate impeachment trial to drag on for quite a while.
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Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Richard Burr (R-NC) expects the Senate impeachment trial to drag on for quite a while.
McTurtle ain’t gonna like that. The longer this runs, the more of his people will pass the primary filing dates, and with that the risk of being taken out by the MAGAts then, and therefore much of his leverage…
This is good news, I think. Burr is by all accounts a straight shooter, and he is clearly expecting a trial to go on without any stupid McTurtle tricks to derail the process.
Extended trial/deliberations could/should work to D’s benefit:
Make that handful of the most vulnerable repugnicans cast their ultimate vote on removal closer to the point at which the voters cast their own votes!
[Burr] warned that it would not move at “light speed” like its counterpart in the House.
Yeah, I’m sure that it will be much more akin to darkness.
CNN reported that the North Carolina Republican refused to predict the outcome of the impeachment proceedings due to the “likelihood” that he will serve as a juror in the Senate trial.
I’m not going to speculate if the House will impeach, but I will tell you we’re going to have a Senate trial and it’ll last roughly 6-8 weeks.
Got it, Senator. Thanks!
It’s tough. If we had a system wherein an impeached president was then suspended for the duration of their trial, then sure, take allllll the time you like.
But he’s busy destroying the country day-by-day, and I’m sure has doubled down on influence efforts in Ukraine and elsewhere as he gets more desperate.
It’s like not only allowing an accused murderer to be out on bail, but also not have to be monitored, surrender their passport, observed, or otherwise prevented from killing as many people as possible before you convict them.
I am much happier with Senator Burr’s response than to Lyin’ Lindsey saying he won’t read the transcripts and basically giving away that he’s already made up his mind. If only these Senate “jurors” could be struck for cause. It’s going to be a very interesting few months, and I’m pretty sure the House will vote to impeach and there will be a trial. The only question is whether enough Senators will have the courage to vote to remove this tumor from the office of the Presidency.
Ohh, am reasonably certain that Mangolini will be totally monitored by the IC for the foreseeable future.
Not surprising, but still chilling. I have no idea who Anonymous is, but he or she really doesn’t seem like KellyAnne to me, because I don’t think she cares too much about anything other than her own interests. Anonymous, in his own way, seems genuinely concerned about the country.
Perhaps with Kelly’s urging and support? They were mentor-protege, no?
Dunno about urging, but certainly all of the General’s cabal is linked, would expect them to have conversed about the strategy of doing this.
Burr is usually reasonable when it comes to things like this, so he likely imagines a trial on the evidence presented taking that long to happen. That sounds about right too, unless McConnell tries to short circuit it or they decide to “investigate” all of the conspiracies that will distract from what Trump did; I don’t see Burr being in favor of anything but a proper trial based on the House impeachment articles. McConnell is absolutely going to hate this, it will screw up his plans to shove an innocent verdict through quickly, or end the trial quickly if Trump finally loses enough popularity. I don’t see a lot of other Republican senators going along with this, at least publicly, because it won’t be a popular position with the base or Trump (Burr isn’t running this year so he’s safer).
We’ll see if he’s right…honestly, I’d rather the House take a bit more time to nail the case down, and get some of the subpoenaed testimony and documents to make that case even more secure, and if the Senate is going to take two months then they don’t need to rush too hard to finish by the end of the year.
Then ditch the whole book idea. Go public. Anyone and everyone who thinks they are doing “us” a favor by staying in the administration of this shitty dictator are simply enabling him.
I don’t think we know whether this person is still in the Administration, but point definitely taken. This person should not only make himself known, but testify at the public hearings. The things he is reporting are impeachable and, I think, would put immense pressure on Republicans to convict.
We’ll see. Haven’t all signs, for a number of years, pointed to a snapping turtle having every GOTPer’s nuts in his mouth?
As of right now, the Republicans are essentially lock-(goose)step with the idea that the impeachment is a “Democrat sham” and somehow they can just continue to reign in or live with Trump’s “unconventional” behavior. They would do well to get on board and get Trump out with some sort of face-saving deal. Otherwise, in the very near future, the Democrats will elect their own lawless bull-in-a-china-shop dictator and we truly will lose our Democracy.
Good. The longer the Senate spends on it, the more Trump and Impeachment are in the news and that many more uninformed people will have it seep in to their heads. I still have no doubt the Senate will find Trump innocent which is going to be a hard narrative to overcome once the media starts repeating it ad nauseam but a long Senate trial means all the evidence will get out so it can at least be weighed against all the conspiracy theories and lies the GOP spins out.
In other words, Moscow Mitch and the Cosmonaut Caucus have decided that they are going to make Trump’s impeachment trial all about “trying” the accusations against the Bidens and Crowdstrike.
I can see no other reason they’d need this much time other than to try to bury the House impeachment process and hearings under a lengthy attempt to rule the public airwaves with a completely distorted, tangential and politically motivated election-year stunt. It will be 6-8 weeks of non-stop coverage of what for all intents and purposes will appear like Biden and the DNC being put on trial for impeachment, not Trump.
And the MSM will help them do it. Gleefully.