Burdened By What Has Been, Dems Enter Election Home Stretch With Typical Anxiety

Yes. Except he doesn’t look like he has the wherewithal to check a receipt against the contents of a shopping cart.


It’s entirely plausible that at least one person on the campaign staff secretly hates his guts.


One wonders how many McDonalds servers wear jeweled cuff links.


Because dark money has been dumping a whole bunch of low-quality TFG-skewed “polls” into the averages?

Now ask me a harder one.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found an Apatite in truffle fries…


From ABCnews…

“Yeah, sure, if it’s a fair election. Always. I’ll always accept it if it’s a fair election,” Trump said, again questioning the integrity of the election system a little more than two weeks ahead of Election Day.”
… … … … …
Except to trump no election he loses is fair.
That this election is at all close is an abomination. trump should be in prison, not standing for an election


Day breaks over the Zagreb airport. It fills with Kroatian Karens. I would blend in with the rest of the Eurotrash except I am not wearing a velour tracksuit, and I am watching the Steelers beat Aaron Rodgers on an illicit feed on my laptop.

Did anyone hear if Chump attended, and was he booed bigly?


Not booed much. TSF met w Antonio Brown before game. A women ran on field w a trump flag. Rodger’s looks awful.:joy:

ETA you’d think Steelers fans would have booed him because of the Brown endorsement.


Expect the unexpected…

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Let’s see him do it for 8 hours.


If more people understood this, we wouldn’t be going extinct.

Was Rodgers working a McDonOLD’s drive thru window too?

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Winning North Carolina would go a long way in securing the election.



Victor Shi


Here’s a bit of good news: The early voting site in Mecklenburg County in North Carolina that has the most votes so far happens to be the primary voting location for the University of North Carolina Charlotte. 4,600+ votes in just 3 days. The youth are fired up & turning out.


Sure, but doesn’t count if they weren’t carrying tiki torches! SO UN FAIR!

In fact, 538’s poll aggregation hasn’t changed the totals, even as their ‘prediction’ has swung around almost a full 10 points.

Almost like they’re adjusting their models to drive clicks.


Hope you are right but I didn’t know acres vote in state wide elections. Those acres are mostly empty. I remember the election when the DNC gave Missouri to the Republicans. Suddenly there was no money for party building. We had people we wanted to run for small state offices to get them started but no money from the party. Their Republican opponents were fully funded.

I knew Ike Skelton. He was a terrific congressman who is responsible for bringing the B2 to Whiteman AFB. He got shit on by redistricting and a state and national party that just didn’t have enough money to help. He lost to some warm body congress member who never amounted to a vial of warm piss.


I’m sure Kamala Harris feels so “owned” by this inane stunt . . . how will she ever recover?


I’d like for someone to do their job by pressing TSF on what he means by a “fair” election and how he’ll be able to tell if we had one.
'Cause I can pretty much guarantee he doesn’t mean the same thing, or diagnose it, in the same way most of the other citizens of this country do.


Barry Goldwater, of all people , warned us about them.


Come tomorrow, Kamala will be decompensating just like TFG.

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