Former President Trump has made efforts to distinguish himself from the GOP establishment by waging a war with the party’s traditional fundraising arm — likely as a way to consolidate his massive influence on the party.
Hey! Best not to diss the “fools”, Mr. Trump. Them’s is your base.
Meanwhile, the Republican Party continues to behave like a battered wife. Give in! Compliment him! Do whatever you can to placate him! He SAYS he still loves you!
That is my hope too! A few former Trump voters have turned on him, my wish is for a tsunami and that upon realizing how they have been had they will be really pissed.
Looking forward to: "Broke billionaire can’t find lawyers" "Broke billionaire pleads Not Guilty for the tenth time." "Broke billionaire heads to prison for life sentence."
and "Broke billionaire dies in prison. No one morns."
Ya hate to see that kind of in-fighting. Tragic. I was kinda hoping you’d include the “Sent from my iPhone” that was in the original statement from the RNC, NRSC and NRCC.