At these times, I wonder what @ncsteve will make of all this.
I guess the judge refusing to throw out the case was incentive enough for her to flip. The only problem I have is Republicans ran on harsh penalties for “voter fraud” and here we have someone who conspired to steal and hack a voting machine, and those same Republicans are dead fucking silent because its one of their own.
Drip, Drip, Drip… Anyone taking bets on Chesebro taking a deal next?
I’m just kraken up over this.
But…but…but… the Mike Lindell was just about to reveal the ultimate proof that the election was stolen.
One sane act does not outweigh years of lunacy on the scales of sanity. Also, these are not mutually exclusive conditions.
She can be bat sht crazy AND an impulsive liar at the same time.
Will she lose her law license, or aren’t these charges serious enough in lawyer world?
The penalty includes six years probation, a recorded proffer interview with prosecutors, a commitment to testify about her actions in future trials, and a $6,000 fine.
Oh shiiiiii. They actually released the Kraken.
And she‘s still on the hook with Dominion and SmartMatic IIRC…. Gotta hang on to some of that cash she has squirreled away. She can‘t rely on her old bud Mr Pillow to float her some dough.
I don’t know… It’s such a sweetheart plea bargain, and she’ll be such a useless cooperating witness against Trump because she’s such an incredible ding-dong, that I’m not sure this doesn’t end up working in Trump’s favor. He is going to argue that the prosecution’s new star witness is the one who led him astray in the first place. It’s not true of course, but again, she’s such a ding-dong and juries are a crapshoot.
So the cheese stands alone?
Lawyers: Why’d she push for a speedy trial if she was just gonna plead? Is that a strategy thing that was the plan all along? Did the speedy trial thing not work out the way she hoped and this is just making the best of a bad job?
I am not a lawyer, but when you type something like “I’m not sure that one conspirator pleading guilty doesn’t work in another conspirator’s favor”, I think you need to take a deep breath and recognize that cynicism is not a substitute for wisdom.
So this is how the Kraken is released: on its own recognizance.
The Kraken has kraked.
I’m with you if it were anyone else in the universe. But we’re talking about Sydney Powell here.
What I just read was she gets 6 years probation and a $6000 fine. If she cooperates with the prosecution (and I suspect she will) she won’t get any jail time on this charge. Her career as a lawyer is over.