Bolton Posts Cryptic Tweet Amid Speculation Over His Testimony Intentions

Ousted National Security Adviser John Bolton posted an bizarrely cryptic tweet on Friday morning, promising a “backstory” on why he was off Twitter for two months.

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A drama queen upset that he dismissed the invitation to the most important in town and now that others that defied the orders from the tyrant went on to show what a patriot acts like (BTW patriots do not wear tricorn hats these days, they are most likely to wear skirts), he is upset that no one begged him to show and is trying to insert himself retroactively.


Either you are going to talk to the committees are you aren’t.No cliff hanger here Mr Bolton. Ship is on it’s way to the First Port Of Call.


They’re considering not subpoenaing him? WTF? Get on it already.

The Dems cannot just end this thing here. Public support isn’t growing yet. If they move on to the senate with only what’s been done, the public will forget this whole thing happened by March. WTF are they even thinking considering not subpoenaing Bolton? How many fucking times does his name need to come up in testimony?


It has been said that “Fiona Hill and David Holmes told the truth” and that “John Bolton sold the truth.” Hill and Holmes upheld their oath to defend the U.S. Constitution by coming forward to testify, Bolton is ignoring that oath by opting not to come forward to testify in favor of hawking his upcoming book.


Both of them only showed up upon being subpoenaed.


Trump took up all the space?


Mr. Bolton must be feeling a little pressure at this point seeing how central he was to what happened in the WH around Ukraine and such. I know he’s ideological in the extreme but at least he was one to hold to his principles, such as they are. I can’t imagine knowing what he must know and not agreeing to testify but, then again, maybe his book deal doesn’t allow for it. If he holds out, for whatever reasons, and doesn’t testify, I hope the book comes out before the election next year. That might make for some interesting times.


I, too, am waiting for Sauron to save the Middle-earth.


Doesn’t want to jeopardize his free ride on the wingnut gravy train, but perhaps now worried about the optics of the captain who sends his troops out to battle while he stays home and watches on TV.


If they don’t subpoena Bolton it’s impossible to take the Dems seriously. He is the one who released the first portion of the aid. To not at least try to force his testimony is a complete dereliction of duty. WTF are they even thinking?


Yes, with Hill noting that she had a legal and moral obligation to do so.


Is Bolton fine with Trump’s personal lawyer coordinating and directing U.S. foreign policy and foreign military aid? Is Pompeo? Is the Senate? Isn’t there a conflict of interest in here somewhere? Asking for my good friend, Captain Obvious.


That’s fine. I’m thrilled they came in. But to not even subpoena Bolton is completely irresponsible. Either he refuses and adds to the obstruction case or he testifies. But the idea of not trying to compel his testimony makes it a lot harder to take the Dems seriously.


The “better angel” side of me suggests that Fiona Hill’s eloquent statement about the moral and ethical obligation of all “in the know” people to step forward and put the country first perhaps has made a positive impact on Bolton’s conscious. That same better angel is also anticipating that at least one or two profiles in courage will stand up on the Republican side of the senate.

Of course the rational brain in me knows otherwise, but fake optimism kinda gets me through all this stuff.


Fuck this guy. A hero would be speaking out, doing something right now. Not wanting to be part of a drug deal is a pretty low bar, most people do that every day. He wants some kind of medal for that? Or a book deal? Speaking publicly but not before congress is weak.


do not expect any of these hyenas to change what they do,lepords do not change their spots. its always about power and money. stop attacking any of our candidates. get out the vote if we don’t these hyenas will cheat again and win. the truth must be horrible they are all stinking to the story


Remember the “Don’t buy books by crooks” campaign with the caricature of Nixon? I have no intention of ever buying a book from Bolton, but it might be nice to try to make a “don’t buy books from people who obstruct justice” hashtag trend. It needs to be catchier than mine, but it might be nice to make Bolton think he’s hurting his potential sales by not cooperating.


I don’t have a Twitter account, but here’s a suggestion:



That was just a cover they needed for professional reasons.

I don’t begrudge them it.