Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has qualified to appear on the 2020 primary debate stage on Wednesday night after having reached the Democratic National Committee’s required polling threshold.
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So. Does this mean he’ll be pissing outside the tent?
I completely want another millionaire party-switching misogynyst to be my president.
The only thing that would make him more qualified was if he had his own tv show.
I wonder if the very recent Yale study that claims M4A would save 450 billion and 68,000 lives annually would give Warren and Sanders a boost? If you clink on The Lancet link highlighted in blue, you can access the study if you register.
Epidemiologists from the Yale School of Public Health, University of Florida, and University of Maryland School of Medicine, have calculated that a single-payer universal health-care system in the US would likely lead to a 13 percent saving in national health-care expenditure and prevent more than 68,000 unnecessary deaths. By replacing premiums, deductibles, co-payments and out-of-pocket costs with a progressive tax system, Medicare for All will not only save the average family around $2,400 a year, but also give lower-income families access to the services they need, the researchers say.
Published in The Lancet, the study first sets out the current state of affairs. Over 78 million Americans (24 percent of the US population), do not have adequate access to care. This number includes over 37 million Americans who have no health insurance at all. However, the situation could get worse if the ACA is scrapped by Trump.
I know, people still would hate to give up their private insurance if they are happy with it.
I ain’t saying anything until Howard Schultz and George Soros weigh in.
His own show? Hell, this one has his own channel!
He has his own magazine. That must count for something.
Ok, so let’s let the forum moderators question the hell out of him on this. At least it’ll be new information instead of recycling the same crap that’s been said a million times in the last twelve forums.
I don’t mind him being in. If the blowback forces him out, fine; if it doesn’t, then let’s bring on Super Tuesday and get on with it.
Then indeed, he’s completely qualified to come in at the last minute and crowd the stage and help Bernie out.
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I hope Bloomberg is drilled on his beliefs about Palestine and trump’s complete support of Israeli apartheid. I’d like to here his thoughts on public education, too. From what I’ve read they aren’t much different from trump’s. If he’s the nominee I’ll vote for him but only to get trump out.
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has qualified to appear on the 2020 primary debate stage on Wednesday night after having reached the Democratic National Committee’s required polling threshold …
… which would have been lowered as needed, of course.
Centrists have so thoroughly succumbed to the republican brainwashing campaign to convince them that no one likes liberals that they’re turning to literal republicans with republican records and disgusting behaviors to just hand the party off to. Anything to stop Bernie and keep Perez in charge at the DNC.
The authors are at Yale, Florida, and Maryland.
From the paper, two salient graphics:
But what do these people know? They only study the health-care system.
PS: Credit:
Once again, I’ll vote for whoever gets the nomination, but none of the current front runners make any sense to me as presidential material. Buttigieg is too inexperienced and, as Krugman quipped, a “young Howard Schultz”. Biden, Bloomberg and Sanders are past their prime. Bloomberg and Sanders have their own unique problems, which have been debated ad nauseum. I am for the two women. The main baggage I can think of is that Klobuchar occasionally hurls objects at her staff and Warren has that Native American bit biting back at her. But in my opinion, they are simply better managerial thinkers than their male counterparts.
Bloomberg’s record on human rights in Israel and Palestine is pretty awful.
He needs to be in a debate so people can push him on his record. Otherwise the only exposure most voters are going to get on him is the narrative he sets with his advertising blitz.
Probably another pal of Bibi’s.
Bloomberg is only in the race because the DNC made it so ridiculously easy for clown candidates to crowd the debate stage and drown out the serious candidates. Like many others, Bloomberg is just afraid that the republic can not survive 4 more years of the Bankrupt Caligula in the WH.
To avoid this, in the future, there should be a rule that you can not win the Dem. nomination if you have not served in government for at least three years in some elected capacity (dogcatcher will do). And only the top six candidates should be allowed on the debate stage based on an average of national polls. This process makes Dems. look like disorganized Little League. Enough with the flavor of the month candidates!
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It might also be nice if one were actually a standing member of the Democratic party. This nonsense of an Independent suddenly coming to Jesus, recognizing that major party affiliation is the only way to get a true Presidential campaign in place just needs to end.
If you’re a Dem, run Dem; if you’re GOP, run GOP; if you’re neither, run under your own organization - don’t pilfer the resources you haven’t supported the other three non-election years.
No more questions on the Iraq war vote. I am so damn sick of those questions.