Bloomberg Qualifies For Debate, Faces Attacks On Stop-And-Frisk Policy And Sexist Comments

I’m just gonna leave this here:


On the contrary: It was the biggest foreign-policy fraud (and fraudulent slaughter) since our invasion of Vietnam and there ought to be more, not fewer, questions about it.


Agree: that horse has left the barn and burned it down on its departure.

Let’s start talking about what is current and pending.

But since the mayor has not, up to now, been asked about these issues, I’m fine with asking him about them now and will be counting on him to be forthright and honest in his responses.

I’m a later primary (in Wisconsin). I know what the current positions are for everyone but him.

@cervantes, continued questioning on something that can’t be undone doesn’t help. I want to know what, given those votes, will happen differently next time. We’ve already learned from that history - now show me what you’ve learned, Mr./Ms. Candidate.


Our murderous attack on Iraq wasn’t a “horse” that left a “barn.”

Should I draw you a better picture?

See above…

So would you ask any of the candidates about their records?

Not even Trump?

Yes, and with the exception of Bloomberg who has not yet appeared in any of these forums, it’s been done to death.

I don’t disagree that Iraq was a nightmare, but the action that happened can’t be undone. It can be prevented in the future if we’ve learned from history. I want to know what they’re going to do in light of what they’ve already done. Did they learn anything, or are they doomed to repeat?


Well, sure, but that is the question!

And it’s still an open one.


Exactly - and that’s what I want to hear. It is an open question. That’s my point - did they learn anything at all? If not, go away (not you, the candidate!).

I can’t re-write the past - neither can they. But I can change the future.


Which will immediately be challenged and struck down as unconstitutional.

Its doubtful (but not impossible) that we will ever have 20+ candidates again. But if we do, national polls are not the way to go. We don’t choose our nominee that way, nor do we choose our President that way.

But the more striking thing that was revealed in this cycle, was how the top tier candidates were basically chosen by the national media, and everyone else was locked out of any coverage. And that choice was 90% made in March or April of 2019. Biden, Sanders, Warren, Harris (to be replaced by Buttigieg has his campaign aggressively shoved him into the conversation) were it, with a couple of articles mocking Gabbard and Williamson thrown into for spice. Castro, Booker, Klobuchar, Yang, etc, were locked out of the discussion for months…as was Harris once they decided that they simply couldn’t talk about 5th candidate and tossed her for Buttigieg coverage.

This is an extremely important factor, because those national polls you want to rely on, are almost exclusively based on name recognition, and done at a time that the only names people recognize are the few that the national media bandies around.

I think our process, while far from perfect, was a considerable improvement over the republicans “adult table” and “kiddie table” format.


On this we agree – hence “more, not fewer, questions” on the subject.

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You are right about Sanders, Biden, Bloomberg and Buttigieg (who is a better fit as a Log Cabin Repub).

Warren will demolish Trump. He attacked her too early with that not a Native American stuff. It’s already blown over.

The issue is that Bernie has a solid base of support in the primary but he will lose in the general and cost Dems. the senate and maybe the house as well. Warren is left of center, but not loonie left like Bernie. Unless the unrealistic centerist candidates like Buttigieg and Klobuchar get out now, there is no way that Warren will be able to get close enough to take Bernie out. But now that Buttigieg and Klobuchar’s egos have felt the glow of the national spotlight, it’s going to be hell trying to get them to step aside for the national good. And Bloomberg is every bit as racist and sexist as Trump which may come back to haunt Dems in the general if it depresses any portion of the Dem. base. It really is time for Dem. leadership to step up and give some of these candidates a talking to with a large dose of reality and a big stick if necessary.


Yes, yes, and yes. I am done with the endless debate about which candidate voted for it or against it. I’d rather the question be framed as how to prevent such a disaster. Make the candidates answer that question rather than pivoting to the vote itself. I mute the sound every single damn time that discussion comes up. Meanwhile Syria is a humanitarian disaster and a genocide happening in Yemen.


Yup - I would rather hear ‘what will you…’ instead of ‘why did you…’. The why did you cannot be changed and it’s not useful to beat up on the why did you if the what will you shows a sense of learning from one’s mistake.

And in response to earlier, Trump would not change a thing because he’s never wrong, right? LOL!!!


This, too. But a 3rd Party candidate gives us Republicans forever.


Yes, but without the money and the support and the publicity of endless forums, it will be a damned sight harder to do.

I agree to a certain degree. That particular question has been treated like an end all-be all question on foreign policy for the past 2 decades.

Its not.

But we have been doing a pretty crappy job of getting candidates to lay out robust visions for foreign policy if they are elected. And given that is one the main areas where a President exerts a great deal of control…MUCH, much more than they do over domestic policy, it seems like it should be getting a lot more attention than say…the details of a healthcare policy that they won’t write.

By that same token, we should be getting at least a governing philosophy on what they will look for in their Cabinet picks. Or their Judicial picks. But that’s a question that has never been raised yet in the debates…yet once again, its something the a President has direct control over, vs. anything that results in them “telling Congress what to do”.


Maybe Sanders’ll start looking a bit more palatable to y’all now that Bloomberg’s showed up…

I’m not a Democrat as most of you are. The ONLY priority for me is getting Trump the hell out. I’d vote for Harvey Weinstein if that’s what it took.

I don’t see any of the Dems catching on enough to beat Trump, with the possible exception of Buttigieg. There is just NO FIRE THERE. None. It won’t be Buttigieg, and it won’t be Sanders. It’ll be Warren or Biden and they’ll just get beat and I’ll have another 4 years minimum of ever-present, simmering tension in my gut as we continue our national self-destruction and that’s on the Dems as much as the Republicans.

Could Bloomberg beat Trump? In a race where the Dems can’t seem to work up enthusiasm for anybody, maybe Bloomberg’s characteristic personal destruction of Trump would suffice to motivate them. Is he a real Democrat? Would he be a good president? Who cares? (I’m half kidding.)

Fight fire with fire for a change–get a New York billionaire to take on a New York billionaire. It’s the Chiefs and the Niners. Everybody gets excited for this shitshow, everybody shows up, and the Democrats win the presidency AND take back the Senate! Cool! You get everything you want except a run-of-the-mill, ineffectual Democratic president.

It’s an unbelievable farce, which makes it the most likely scenario in this country right now.


Want to know who a man is? Check his past.


Well, I’d check his future if I could!