Bloomberg Pours Millions Into Ad Blitz For Biden In Texas And Ohio

Make it a holiday where we celebrate universal vote by mail.


Yeah but suburban women seem to be driving a lot of the anti-Trump vote, so it is going to be interesting.


So put in Google and go to the list of their Oct.26 posts. You have scroll down past the current posts and then you get to a list by date. ETA to fix cite.

The point is that when you cross reference polling results with turnout results, you know a hell of a lot about what the total currently is and which voters have yet to vote. Even more so if you have used Internet data to characterize each voter.

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Yep, college-educated whites too. Take a drive around Highland Park sometime and you will absolutely boggle at how many yard signs are up for Dem candidates.

*For all the normies, Highland Park is a town surrounded by Dallas where a bunch of super-rich people live.


Now that’s political malpractice. She should have said her opponent was originally from california.

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Check which party Jill Stein is fronting this year.

I know and I would be more gobsmacked except they already stunned me when they started putting up memorials for George Floyd and the rest of the murdered black Americans and Highland Park High School got all up in it - that knocked the breath out of me.


I believe the current transitive evaluation among math-logic challenged mouth-breathers is Oregon = Portland, Portland = AntiFa therefore Oregon = AntiFa.

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Yes, the exception being when your opponent is relatively unkown and you want to jump into the vaccuum and define him before he can tell the public who he is.


OT again, but when it rains, it pours.


After already having been indicted in Michigan for a robocall scheme to intimidate urban-area voters with misinformation, Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman have now been indicted in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, for the same scheme.


Oooh, Buetler makes me so mad! Last time she ran she claimed to be a nice suburban mom who knows how important healthcare is. The she voted against it along with the rest of the GOP.

Just be hateful from the get go like McMorris-Rodgers over in Spokane.

Fixed the link in both posts. Thanks for the heads up.

Why not a polling station AT the beach?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Sort of OT: The house across the road from where my horse lives put up a huge Trump flag last week. Until today, it was mostly wrapped around the tree they attached it to. Today, it unfurled to read:
TRUMP 2020
No More Bullshit

I nearly wet my pants laughing.

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Ignorance is as contagious as Covid.

Why not indeed?

15 million in June for GOTV/registration drive could have done a lot.
But, yeah, late drop for TV will reach undecideds and could make a significant difference.

Well, there’s the nihilist vote, too.

Well, to be (ETA) racially bigoted, no, one need not be white in the USA.
But racism is in part institutional inertia and structure, as well as a personal attitude and belief. (Buttressed by institutional power.)

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