Billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is launching a sizeable ad blitz for Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the reliably red state of Texas, marking an unexpected shift in where Biden and his surrogates believe they can compete against President Donald Trump.
I like that Bloomberg is doing this. Sadly I still have a memory of the half a billion $ he wasted on his own campaign and fear he is just wasting his money. Wish he’d throw his money at Lincoln Project.
As a former bond trader, Mike has to understand that timing matters. He does know that nearly half of Texas registered voters have already voted, doesn’t he?
This is what it looks like when a real billionaire trolls a fake one. Trump simply can’t answer this buy because he’s out of cash, both personally and as a candidate. For a supposed “counter-puncher” this silence on the airwaves makes Trump look weak.
On NBC News last night, they interviewed a POC family in Nevada with a special needs child, describing the horrific situation they were in with job losses, no money and about to lose their residence.
At the end, the mother indicated that she was “leaning” towards voting for Biden.
Exactly. So now is the great time for the push to home. Further the reach to the fence sitters and reluctant folks, since you’ve gotten all the easy ones.
And yet we have a reality TV game show host as President, who genuinely believes that his ratings on the TV mean more than the polls. Clueless and uninformed people buy stuff. Keeping them clueless and uniformed is good for the economy.