Bloomberg Pours Millions Into Ad Blitz For Biden In Texas And Ohio

He might want to drop some ads in WI, telling people to vote in person as it’s now too late to mail in ballots. Thanks SCOTUS!


I doubt it. Bloomberg’s a real billionaire who could squash morBotus’ business empire like a bug. Though it would be a bit like buying an asbestos plant.


I haven’t watched a political ad in years. Are some actually crafted such that the message is “Don’t vote in the upcoming election”?


OT: You might enjoy this…


I’m a worrier. I worried when Hillary took August off to hang out at fundraisers in the Hamptons while Trump held non-stop rallies. I worried that she Ignored Wisconsin. I worried that she ignored Pennsylvania outside Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. I worried that she relied on polls instead of on-the-ground intelligence from labor leaders.

Biden seems to be avoiding most of those mistakes. He’s in Wisconsin. He’s in rural & small town Pennsylvania. But he doesn’t have a field operation to match Trump’s and is relying on phone banks to turn out the vote. And he’s taking too many days off the campaign trail; he doesn’t have to match Trump’s desperation, but he should be at one or two public events every day just to make the local and national news.

Now to my real point: Georgia would be nice. Texas would be spectacular. But I worry they are Democratic fool’s gold.

I would argue for investing every extra dollar of the campaign in Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Arizona, and Nevada before I’d put one red cent into Georgia or Texas.


What do they think these ad buys will get them? Nobody is listening to these and suddenly deciding whom to vote for. Minds are already made up. Have been for some time.

What they need is a get-out-the-vote effort. Have Bloomy pay for 2000 volunteers in each state to knock on doors, offer free rides to the polls, etc. THAT’s what’s going to help…not the 17,429th running of whatever ad Biden has.


Those political ads may not so much convince people to vote for a particular candidate as to convince them to get off the couch and go vote.


You’ve seen none of the Lincoln Project spots? And yes, by all means, negative political advertising is a thing. Much easier to get a person to do nothing than to change their beliefs. McClatchy deep dive into the 2016 GOP vote “deterrence” project, and how well it worked:


Americans are special snowflakes. They need to be convinced not to shoot themselves in the head. 'Cos Freedumb.


Florida is key. If (dear god) Biden wins Florida on Election Night, it’s over. Because that means he’s won the swing states. Okay, I’m scaring myself.


My hunch is that many, maybe the majority, of undecided voters vote last minute. People with strong convictions who can’t be swayed are more likely to get it taken care of early. Fence sitters procrastinate. Some will turn out to be Trump voters and they just have a fence post stuck up their asses. Some of them might be pried loose by late ads. The last election was balanced on a knife edge, and widening the margins in close races is essential. IMO.


I DVR every viewing choice I make. Never watch a commercial. Never watch anything other than the content I choose to. If there is a newser it’s DVR’d and everything other than the show is on fast forward. I watch an NFL game in about 80 minutes. Can’t waste my time on paid messaging.

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Alaska for sure.


Texas may not go blue, but if the down ballot races are helped, the Texas House could go Democratic as we go into redistricting.

Game changer!


PACs also enrich themselves. The Lincoln Project is a prime example. From what I have read in the Daily Beast, there is an article if you have a subscription. It is very lengthy. In the end, those that created it are making big dollars in fees and the ads aren’t penetrating the voting sectors that are suppose to be their targets.


It’s an article by a bitter Republican. Manna from heaven)


To be fair nothing can get to those folks

but let us enjoy the schadenfreude of getting under 45’s skin


Or dress, eat, work, commute, recreate, procreate …
You be new here.
21st century earth I mean.

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In today’s world the moral high ground is an overrated perch.



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