Black GA Rep. Says Man Screamed To ‘Go Back Where You Came From’

So? What happens when you can see forever?

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They’ve got to be carefully taught

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Or Don’t. Dim. Them. At. All…

Just sayin’…


If “I” was in the line with her I would’ve called him out for saying that crap in front of her kid.

I ‘remember’ being that pregnant, and YES I sometimes used the handicapped parking because my feet swole so much I could not walk. I knew it was wrong to do but it HURT to walk. I do not know how ‘much’ she was over the ‘express limit’ but CHRIST JESUS ON A STICK she was HUGELY pregnant and had a 3yo with her.

SHUT THE FUCK UP, asshole.


Oh shut up. I mean it, I get your point, but if “I” had been in express lane I know I would’ve told him to shut up.

Have ‘you’ any understanding of how swole up and uncomfortable she must’ve been? The entire east coast is under a HOT WEATHER advisory.

I surely hope somebody doesn’t ever catch YOU with 13-items in the 12-item max line.

Her child will remember this for the REST OF HIS LIFE.


That guy who yelled at the lady ought to try being 9 months pregnant, standing in a checkout line with a dim bulb yelling at him to “go back where he came from”.
Just sayin’


He should be charged with assault and the manager fired for not doing anything.

Doctors offer it a little too easily and esp. after surgery, and while I’m not immune to feeling post-op pain, it’s not so debilitating that it can’t be managed without a heavy duty drug.


Not for nothing, but Thomas has sort of backed off him saying she should “go back to where she came from.”

When Jennings talked to Thomas after the confrontation, she tried to clarify if Sparkes really told Thomas to “go back where you came from.”

“I don’t want to say he said, ‘Go back to your country,’ or ‘Go back to where you came from,’” Thomas said. “But he was making those types of references is what I remember.”

On Saturday afternoon, Channel 2’s Christian Jennings went to interview Thomas about the incident. While she was there, the man Thomas accused of verbally attacking her, Eric Sparkes, also showed up outside the Publix.

Thomas and Sparkes got into a second heated conversation as news cameras rolled.

Sparkes claims he never said anything racist, although he did admit to cursing at Thomas for having too many items in the express checkout lane.

*“I’m a liar about what?” Thomas asked Sparkes. *

“Everything that happened,” Sparkes said. “Me telling you to 'Go back where you came from. Did I say that? Is it on video?”

**Are you serious? What did you say to me then," Thomas asked. *

“I called you a lazy (expletive),” Sparkes said to Thomas. “That’s the worst thing I said.”

“Yeah, that makes you look better to say that,” Thomas said.

He’s certainly a jerk, but she better hope the surveillance footage backs up her claim. The last thing anyone needs is false claims of things like this. If people come up with the ability to say it’s all lies, then the actual impact of the original chants loses potency.


I find the coupon queen maddeningly.
There’s always some coupon that doesn’t scan that she commences to quibble about & reqires store manager to resolve.



It always astonishes me how black people are invisible at point of purchase yet clearly targeted & harassed once beyond the point of purchase & out the door. Completely unseen at register!,

It’s like there is a force field entered & all color is suspended until they move out of payment area

Then they magically reappear as black thieves with unpaid merchandise…

This manager is the worse she follows, harasses & calls the police yet claims to be intimidated when called stupid.

There isnt a place in Hell good enough for her.

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Both. Incidents have escalated. Smartphones enable greater awareness as national media seldom focused on the incidents. So coverage is increasing awareness of long standing issues. Many areas use to have a newspaper that covered the black community. in Detroit it was called the Michigan Chronicle and stories like these were reported on frequently while not ever being on network news or reported on by Detroit FreePress or Detroit news. The coverage was very helpful for black citizens to know types of behavior, (using pay phone/ toilet ), & areas (Dearborn was infamous) that targeted blacks.

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And as of today … “I don’t want to say he said, ‘Go back to your country,’ or ‘Go back to where you came from,’” Thomas said, walking back her initial description of the incident. “But he was making those types of references is what I remember.” And this makes it hard for folks to believe people who have actually been told this/yelled at … SMH

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Ruh-roh. False claim. She’s another lying race hustler. Wonder if she’s related to Tawana Brawley or Al Sharpton?

Yep, she lied. Another race hustler. She should resign her position.

Yet again, another case where TPM readers pile on and are UTTERLY EMBARRASSED when the facts come out. Except the librul DemoBorg is shameless in its pandering to race hustlers.

My husband had surgery on his lower back and was given oxycodone. He still has the full bottle. He was a farmer’s kid and learned to live with pain at an early age. I’ve been fortunate in that I must have a fairly high pain threshold as well. The only time I just wanted to be completely knocked out was when my jaws were wired together after a surgical procedure. I nearly went insane and cried at the drop of a hat. The day those wires were removed was like arriving in heaven.

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Nevertheless, calling a 9-mo. pregnant woman with a child at her side “a lazy bitch” is way over the top. This man apparently has no clue what that feels like, what it does to one’s lower back, legs, ankles and feet, etc. He is an idiot and deserves no slack because he didn’t tell her she should go back to where she came from. She didn’t deserve this lout yelling at her.
Furthermore, in the film clip he says there were two empty lanes…he used one to buy his 3 items…so no one was inconvenienced.
His claim that he is not “white” was ridiculous as well.
This was all in Cobb County, Georgia which explains a lot. Cobb County was notorious when I lived in the Atlanta area because the were proud of their “policy” that any blacks should be out of the county by sundown or something unpleasant would happen to them. The voters there also voted against the extension of the rapid transit line because it would bring more black people into the county. These are racist people.

Oh for crying out loud. Get a life.

Sadly, like Jesse Smollett, this fabricated claim will now give every racist idiot an excuse to claim that all the very real incidents of blatant racism are hoaxes.

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