As the aftershocks of the fierce speakership battle roil the chamber, Republicans’ anger turns inward, the opposing camps fighting each other. Unified Democrats, stuck in the minority, stand back and watch the spectacle.
McCarthy’s prescription for becoming Speaker of the House: Bend over. Take a vote. Continue to negotiate away all the power of the position to the crazies until the vote goes your way. Voila! You are a speaker, of a sorts… Actually you are a dummy, with a wooden head, with all of the power in the hands of the crazy ventriloquists. Conclusion: McCarthy is a spineless idiot with no principles.
The new generation of GOP pols only want to exercise power as dictators. Any power sharing, negotiation, or compromise is too boring and too “woke” to be bothered with. They are incompetent legislators but in their minds would be excellent royalty.
“What you’re telling me is I’m a Republican that voted for a Republican speaker and the state Republican party is censuring me?” Rep. Jon Cross ®, one of the censured defectors, told the Columbus Dispatch. “Sounds like the dipshits are running the insane asylum.”
Cross concluded by saying, “Dammit, they can’t do this to me! I’m a dues-paying, lifetime member of the dipshit club!!”
Americans should read this and learn. Welcome to parliamentary democracy, Canadian style. (European-style is different because they, like Isael, have bunches of parties, and putting together a coalition is a different game). We have three parties: Liberal (centre-left), Conservative (centre-right, but with an overbalanced extremist wing), and New Democrat (left-left but not particularly extreme). We currently have a stable minority Liberal government, supported by the New Democrats. Government shifts back and forth between Liberal (Democratic) and Conservative (Republican).
What Ohio has done is managed to create a third party that is caucusing with the Democrats to rein in the worst of the gerrymandered crazies in the Republican party.
Watch this closely. They will negotiate and govern while the crazies, who don’t realize what’s happened to them, rant in the wilderness. Point is, House Republicans could have done the same thing. Never thought to suggest it, because I didn’t think it would remotely fly.
This is also how viable third parties form. They need enough critical mass to have any power at all. This is a long way from happening federally in the US, ever. Beware, however, third parties also split the vote (in Canada, on the left) with the effect sometimes of weakening the will of the ‘majority’. We know and work with this form of government all the time (we have minority governments from time to time both federally and provincially). The mechanics are very different (what is a primary and why would you ever dream up such a thing) but we’re used to it, and vote accordingly.
Perhaps the House could give it a try when McCarthy is ‘vacated’?
Because of our unique first-past-the-post election system, we will have a two-party nation with occasional eruptions of minor third parties who will not win.
Yeah, Democracy v1.0 - it was a nice first release, but the U.S. could really benefit from an upgrade, or even from installing just a few security patches…
As an Ohioan, I’m glad this happened. The Republicans have trampled all over us by their gerrymandering at all levels (and even when ruled unconstitutional, just ignore it and continue as normal). Now they’re trying to restrict the voice of the people through all sorts of tactics (voter restrictions, ballot initiatives, etc.) to keep their hold on power. Glad some moderate Republicans see they can recapture their own voice by forming a new coalition.
Um, I think that they are officially known as “dipshits.”
“What you’re telling me is I’m a Republican that voted for a Republican speaker and the state Republican party is censuring me?” Rep. Jon Cross (R), one of the censured defectors, told the Columbus Dispatch. “Sounds like the dipshits are running the insane asylum.”
The US Food and Drug Administration wants to simplify the Covid-19 vaccine process to look more like what happens with the flu vaccine, according to documents posted online on Monday. That could include streamlining the vaccine composition, immunization schedules and periodic updates of Covid-19 vaccines.
The FDA said it expects to assess circulating strains of the virus that causes Covid-19 at least annually and decide in June which strains to select for the fall season, much like the process to update annual flu vaccines. … … … … …
FDA thinks they can get away with annual covid boosters. That is abysmally stupid because this virus mutates easily and quickly. In a year we see four or five generations of mutations. For example the Omicron parentage line is about a year old. Maybe a little more but we have seen BA4 and BaA5 come along. They’re several mutations past Omicron. And now we have XBB.1.5 which is the most contagious yet moving across the US. And sure as daylight there will be one from China very soon as they are dealing with a tsunami of cases. The more cases the more chance for something serious to emerge. The FDA has not only dropped the ball…they have kicked it out of the stadium. Covid is not the flu and to compare them as far as vaccination is concerned is stupidity on steroids.
Democracy 1.0 was Articles of Confederation which quickly failed. v1.5 is better, but still retained waaaay too much of the original. State-equivalent representation in the Senate, state-based selection of the President.
Wish we could finally roll out a well-tested v2.0!