As in parenting, don’t let the toddler drive the car.
None of the centrist GOP reps who theoretically exist in the US House have the courage of the moderate GOP reps in the OH House.
I love Miranda’s plain talking sharp wit. She represents a mix of Cincinnati 'burbs in a district that flipped from Repug to Dem in 2018, after flipping the other way in 2014. Let’s hope times are changing. Miranda reminds me of Pelosi in some ways. Wish we had more like her.
I’d say jackals or vultures - we obviously need to think lower on the food chain.
What this piece is missing, and what every mainstream article on the controversy is missing, is that the Ohio Republicans who allied with the Democrats didn’t do so because of some ideological difference. It’s all about Merrin being involved in a hush-hush gay sex scandal with disgraced former Rep. Wes Goodman, who was forced from office after sexually harassing pages and was caught having sex with a man in his office.
I wish people would stop looking at this as some moment of bipartisanship and see it as just a battle between Republicans who can’t abide gay people under any circumstances and those who, like Herman Goering’s famous statement about Jews, say they decide who’s a gay. The Democrats are just exploiting that division.
A handful of states are experimenting with security patches like ranked-choice voting and jungle primaries. We need those experiments to spread…
Ohio didn’t think outside the box. The handful of actual conservatives left in the Ohio House who are Republicans thought outside the box.
I warned people that this was exactly what was going to happen when the good government coalition that forced the anti-gerrymander amendment caved to the State Legislature’s Republicans and accepted an amendment that continued to allow politicians (i.e., the Legislature) to pick its constituents, rather than constituents to pick their representatives.
Glaringly missing from the article: Democrats In Disarray. LOL
Sometimes we have to learn the hard way.
I’d love to know what the CDC’s epidemiology experts and vaccine experts think about this strategy.
Miranda’s my rep. She’s a good 'un.
So, cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) maybe? Jackals and vultures are scavengers/opportunistic predators. They actually sit pretty high on the food chain.
OT, but has anyone seen @steviedee111 lately?
Come to think of it—no.
Republicans’ anger turns inward, the opposing camps fighting each other
This is what always happens after purity purges. Even when there are no moderates, purity purges are just another name for self-cannibalism
Due to a recent ballot initiative in Seattle (which did not pass), I learned a little about an alternative to ranked-choice voting, approval voting, wherein voters vote for ALL candidates they prefer and the highest tallied candidate is the winner.
Advocates say that it helps centrist candidates and curbs the influence of polarizing candidates, it’s dead simple to explain and administer and it makes it less likely for people to spoil ballots. It sounds interesting, but I don’t know that it’s being adopted anywhere substantial for a true test case.
Merrin excluded them from the meeting where he crowned himself king of the disgruntled Republicans.
There can be only one!
I see something someone I like.
Ranked Choice voting is the way to get away from the permanent two-party situation.
IT still results in two major parties and a bunch of gnats flying around annoying people.
No one likes a pedant.