Big Lie-Pilled Officials Are Now In Charge Of Election Admin In Counties Across The U.S.

Just speaking to the lemmings & pointing out the short cut to the cliff…

Should I not be doing that? Is that a bad thing?

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Remember the Florida Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, and her “hanging chads?” Maybe TCF will appoint her to head up his Federal Election Committee. Dirty tricks, indeed.


Do you have any idea how incredibly silly this is?


Except the lemmings are multiplying, and the cliff has eroded.
Was it in AZ where the Republicans demanded a recount, the state said that the Republicans had to pay for the umpteenth recount, and they found more votes for Biden?


The cheating they’re going to attempt is going to put their 2020 election stealing gambits to shame. Pooh-pooh it as nothing to fear because they’re all incompetent if you’d like, but that’s the whole game…they don’t have to be competent…they have the competent ones in the right places to reassemble the chaos they cause into a win.


Yeah… that’s a problem - they are inbreeding and producing terrible wretched mutations …
and some grotesque cannibalistic behavior .


I’ll avoid naming names because that might be libelous, but would “SCOTUS” be an appropriate acronym?


I think both shined or shone is acceptable, But I am not an expert in grammer.

And, the Robert’s Court SCOTUS has probably made all the work of the J6C moot by promoting the idea that the Insurrection that day part of an “official act” of the then POTUS, and that if TCF gets back into the WH, he will pardon all of those he can from their acts on that day, as well as getting all charges against him dropped.


Yes - 100%
It has seemed that a large portion of all of the attempted manipulation has -so far- been rather “covert” - “post-facto” arguing over counting of votes that have been cast ( yes there’s been instances of intimidation at polling places & screwing around with inadequate polling place availability)

What could be disastrous would be organized “overt” “pre-planned / pre- meditated” outright fabrication of results / falsification of results.

It is easy for cheaters to get frustrated when the cheat a bit & don’t win … they take the fact that they knew they were cheating and think that, if they lost - the other side must have been cheating too!
So in the next round, the cheaters up the intensity … and grotesquely cheat their ass off! Punch below the belt, steal, kill … what ever … and they justify it by saying “everybody does it!”


Lie-Pilled and Lie-Filled!!!

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Five counties that hand-counted ballots in the November 2023 election did it again for Georgia’s presidential preference primary in March. In a troubling trend, two additional counties bowed to pressure from election deniers and did a hand count this March for the first time.

The hand count in Spalding County was painfully slow. It took two entire days for four teams to count fewer than 6,800 ballots. If turnout in 2024 matches 2020, they will have more than four times the ballots this upcoming November, meaning it could take eight or more days for the county to tabulate their results

Eight days for ONE county. What those demanding hand counting refuse to comprehend/acknowledge is you are not looking at only one race. President/VP, Senate, House, state offices, county offices, local offices. There may be 20 or more votes on that ballot and then there are referenda and other issues. It can take several minutes to get through a single ballot.

When we observed the municipal elections last year in Spalding County, ballot counters made an adding error when comparing the machine tally to the hand tally. Each total was off significantly until the adding error was fixed. The Spalding election board had originally considered skipping a machine tally altogether. If they had gone that route, this glaring mistake would have been completely missed.

On multiple occasions, our observers noticed hand counters miscounting, election workers calling out the wrong numbers, and almost everyone complaining of being tired.

More critical was this -

Hall County’s hand count also included some conflict near the end of the day. A volunteer who had been counting ballots herself for hours began berating the election staff, yelling that they were complicit in election fraud and repeating wild conspiracy theories about the voting machines. Police were nearly called, but the woman eventually left the audit room on her own. Even when provided with mounds of proof that our elections are secure, some people will never be satisfied.

She sat there and participated in the hand count and it did nothing more than fuel her insanity.


“If the candidates that are supported by those who are spreading these lies end up losing I think we could see an effort to try to subvert elections and our democracy entirely,”

No shit Sherlock.

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I seem to remember that there was a time when people were complaining about how long it took to count the ballots. And thus we went to various forms electronic counting.
I went from punch cards, to an electronic touch screen, to now the ballot looks like a standardized test we took in school. I very carefully fill in my boxes.
I think my sister in Austin still uses an electronic touch system to vote. The difference between what I had and what she has is that once you touch your choices, review your choices, and hit send her system prints out a paper showing how you voted. I wish we had had that kind of machine back when we did all electronic voting.
Not sure if it was because we did fill in the boxes type of tests in school, but having to fill in boxes makes me slow down, and read thoroughly the choices, or propositions we vote on. I still think giving the voter a paper with showing how you voted is a good idea.


It is not silly. The alternative is madness, which makes this the only sensible option.

The reality is that the Supreme Court is now faced by a legitimacy crisis. It is illegitimate. Nobody should feel bound by its treasonous, poisonous opinions, which are utterly unmoored to objective reality or established law.

I do expect it to be an uphill battle.

I don’t propose to abandon the effort just because it seems hard.


These are dark times, but there is a silver lining to this black cloud: actual vote counts are made at the individual voting precinct level, of which there are over fifty in Shasta County alone, and almost two hundred thousand in the country. The reports we typically see on the news are for just the precinct vote totals summed up by counties and states.
A hidden strength of American voting is its highly decentralized structure.


Yes, the Supreme Court is illegitimate, and has been since it forfeited its own legitimacy when the five Republicans on the Court at the time voted 5-4 to appoint GW Bush president in 2000. It was further weakened by the gutting of the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act, and by opening the floodgates to a torrent of unlimited anonymous political donations.

What that did, among other things, was to create a crisis of the very authority of the Supreme Court itself and the federal judiciary overall.

While the Executive Branch has the power of the sword, and the Legislative Branch has the power of the purse, the Judicial Branch has neither. The authority of the Judicial branch rests on a broad public belief and acceptance that its rulings are based on the facts and law, and not partisan political considerations.

What I fear we are witnessing is the transformation of the American democratic republic into the American plutocracy - government of, by and for the wealthy and their corporate interests.

It is worth remembering that it took several decades before the public realized the Roman Republic was dead and that it had been replaced by the Roman Empire. Part of Emperor Augustus’s genius was that he retained the outward trappings and appearance of the former Republic such as the Senate. He just changed the process of how one became a Senator, from being elected to effectively by appointment.

“Justices” John Roberts, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito will, I expect, be remembered historically primarily as being the poster children who drove the transition.


Actually there is: vote by mail, which as it is done in Oregon has lots of safeguards built into the system.

“ Lasting popularity


Vote-by-mail in Oregon has maintained a high level of support since it was passed in 1998. A survey done in 2003 by Dr. Priscilla Southwell, a professor of Political Science at University of Oregon, shows that 81% of respondents favored the vote-by-mail system while 19% favored traditional voting at poll booths. The poll also shows high favorability among registered Democrats (85%) and registered Republicans (76%) alike. Thirty percent of respondents said they voted more often since vote-by-mail was enacted.[7]

Interesting - but that was back before the Tea Party / MAGA crazies turned on “vote by mail / absentee ballots” and made it a holy war against them .

plus - it was back when sane people would look at a question like

  • “vote-by-mail” or “traditional voting at poll booths”

and think about their personal preference for casting their own vote - and what ways would help to get out the vote

Now that the issue has been weaponized by the Tea Party / MAGA crazies
those idiots look at the question as
"How do I want to force others to vote…
which then morphed into -
…or what ways do I want to ban others from voting"

… what ways will be the most inconvenient for minorities to vote?

… what ways will create 3-4-5 hour lines - and can we ban folding chairs? can we ban the provision of water to those in line ?

It’s been weird reading about all the problems people are still having with the comments, from not being able to access them to not being able to comment.

I’m rarely early to see a thread, and they’ve recently all had comments easily accessible. This is my first post since the change, so we’ll see if it’s published.

I’m a big liker of posts that you all make, and for a while after the upgrade I couldn’t “like” anything. I complained to the mods, and that got fixed pretty quick.

Thanks to all!

Edit: this post immediately appeared, so…

If the election is close, Trump and corrupt local election officials will conspire to steal it. The only savings grace is the president with the powers of a king — thanks to the illegitimate Supreme Court — isn’t yet Trump. He’s a private citizen.