Big Lie-Pilled Officials Are Now In Charge Of Election Admin In Counties Across The U.S.

Originally published at: Big Lie-Pilled Officials Are Now In Charge Of Election Admin In Counties Across The U.S. - TPM – Talking Points Memo

The board of supervisors in a deep red Northern California county that has been battling election denialism since the aftermath of the 2020 election, recently appointed a new registrar of voters with zero election experience and a track record of promoting election misinformation.  It’s a decision that has left current election officials in the county…

Weird how this message board works fine and MM doesn’t. Am I being ShaDDOW baNNEd?


yOu ARe noT aLOne. In yOur wONdeRinG.


The exception proves that it can be done.
Makes the delay on MM all the more suspect.

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“There has been a real effort to create an economy around election lies.”

Great observation.

Similar to the politics industry, create a group dedicated to questioning, challenging, and ultimately undermining elections.

It’s like the politics industry. “Government is the problem and you need a politician to fix it.”

Really? Count on lying politicians to fix it?


Is MM being left up to the states?


“The way I look at it is we’re going to convert him and he’s going to come on board,” Johnson said. “He is going to see how well the team functions, how close we are, how supportive we are, and how adamant we are about keeping democracy afloat.”

Won’t happen:

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair

Election denial has been made into a religious belief: lots of people believe it sincerely, and that provides cover for the few hundred people in power who find it convenient to pretend to believe it as a justification for crippling democracy.

This is why John Roberts knows he will get to appoint the next President.

The only way to prevent the SCOTU$ from picking the winner of the next election is for federal judges to band together this summer and declare the Roberts majority illegitimate, and to formally agree to defy the Supreme Court until it is reconstituted. They can do that, because Trump v United States proves that the Roberts majority are enemies of the Constitution. Anything less, anything that leaves Roberts in power, is a suicide pact.

Trump will be far worse than anybody expects, and Project 2025 will utterly savage the nation, and then we’ll all become climate refugees, begging for scraps from the oligarchs who stole our democracy right from under our lazy, complacent, waiting-our-turn-to-speak-so-we-can-object asses.


IMO there is likely a template that has not been updated to whatever the new way of accessing the comments requires.

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It did not for me and had to use The Back Door!, my precious


Ghosts don’t have shadows. They are mere figments of imagination. There’s nothing to ban.


It will be interesting to see how patient the voters in Shasta county will be waiting for the results. For a majority of voters machines have been counting our votes as long as we have been voters.


Can MM be saved? Fingers crossed!


Don’t we wish!

I hope Assistant County Clerk Joanna Francescut, can request the entire Shasta County Board, AND Mr. Toller to read this excellent guide, and provide it by PDF and paper copies to every eligible voter in Shasta County:And then call for a recall of the new Election Commissioner. We can ALL learn something from this Guide!


So much money will be lost there will be a revolution. Apart from which, all those armed Rednecks are a double edged sword.

Trump is really that dumb, and Americans have a built in bullshitometer. They’ll stick with their choice til the end, but only the core dumbasses will drink the poison.


If you are a regular reader you will know that I am perennially aggrieved about the Dem messaging machine. While having the whole country enthralled and tuning in to their J6C hearings, and doing an extremely creditable job at the things they did accomplish…missing the boat by a country mile.

They continually and exclusively flogged Chump, while basically rehabbing every R involved that couldn’t be criminally charged. They focused on Chump alone, even though he wasn’t up for election…but dozens and dozens of R congresspeople who participated in the J6 plot were. They were in the perfect position to expose the whole R party. To make the message that Rs are criminals and insurrectionists, and are incapable of refusing illegal orders from a cartoon villain like Chump.

The J6C had 7-8 episodes, if I remember correctly. The country was on the edge of their seats. But other than some Cassidy Hutchinson news, the last 4 episodes were just rehashing the anti-Chump evidence. None of it was cut-n-dried evidence that definitively nailed Chump for high crimes. It was a litany of fell-deeds and obvious coverups and clearly pointed out for everyone that Chump was a really bad person who ‘most likely’ did all the bad stuff we were pretty sure he did.

The timing of it ramped up to the '22 election in ways that couldn’t have been scripted better for the Ds. And the J6C went out on a whimper. They were fabulous for certain things, but intentionally did not put any focus on Members of Congress, and went after Chump and appointed fraudsters solely. The Members of Congress avoided embarrassment before the '22 election and most are still there…promoting election fraud.

The J6C also failed to do anything about election fraud and voting security. In many ways, directly responsible for why nothing is better about voting in '24

If Biden has new powers granted by the SCOTUS to push his prez powers and DOJ influence…


How can they trust “paper” ballots ?

Magicians do tricks with “Magic Paper” - and there’s no way to guarantee that the “paper ballot” system doesn’t get infiltrated with nefarious magic paper!


Without them there would have been nothing. Thats how deep the fidelity to the money goes, and how feckless a politician is in real life. They get paid to eat shit and spit it out with a smile.


Please don’t add another bugaboo into the mix. You know we’ve reached some sort of psychosis when there were counties that claimed voter fraud where Trump won, but he didn’t win by the amount the psychotics thought he should win by. :roll_eyes:


Yes, I guess it is true that without the J6C we would have had nothing.
What were the real, tangible outcomes of the J6C? That Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro were able to fight going to prison for years for not obeying a subpoena? That Jeffrey Clark was spotted in his underwear?

I was going to add to my comment that the Rs have taken a page from the J6C and Impeachment hearings (where Dems shined (shone?) during the Chump years) and have made a 2 year soap-opera of hearings on Biden, etc.

Do we think the Rs would have wasted the opportunities that the J6C had? It was perfect theater in the lead up to '22, and after all those episodes all the Ds did was batter Chump and still came up with…we’re pretty sure this bad stuff was as bad as it looked.

The J6C could have been an election crusade machine that put every R candidate on the spot and forced to confront their support for traitors and criminals as their elections loomed. The J6C could have provided a ton of info for Dem candidates to use against the Rs. The Dems could have used what the J6C DID provide much better. Ron Johnson was primed to be picked off but the National Ds gave no support to his opponent, and the J6C didn’t provide the dirt on Johnson’s involvement in J6. Just one example.

The point is, the Ds could be very laudable in their behavior and virtuousness. The J6C gathered volumes of valuable evidence and testimony…and completely whiffed on making any hay politically. Completely whiffed.


“Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!”

We now know two of The Three Faces of Eve @theghostofeustacetilley. What surprise will tomorrow bring?