In significant state-level Republican primary races across the country Tuesday, candidates who ran on lies about the 2020 election were dominant, joining a growing record of success for politicians who say the would have rejected the will of the people in that election.
Even with the Kansas result in yesterday’s primary, the Republican Party leadership just can’t quit. Or is this simply Johnson falling on his sword (oh I pray it was real) as a way to deflect their easily distracted base with more red meat nonsense?
In significant state-level Republican primary races across the country Tuesday, candidates who ran on lies about the 2020 election were dominant, joining a growing record of success for politicians who say the would have rejected the will of the people in that election.
That (the “growing record of success”) remains to be seen, doesn’t it? I may be wrong, but the “Big Lie” victors received a fraction of the Repub primary vote (a larger or smaller fraction, depending), but that still represents a minority of voters even in Purple states. There is a significant number of Repub and Independent voters who want nothing to do with these guys, who could very well get crushed in the general election.
The loons dominate the GOP. The question is whether there are enough insane GOP voters to win races like in Arizona? I don’t know, but if Democrats, independents and the few remaining sane Republicans show up and vote November could be a disaster for them.
That is the best way to describe it: the feeling of a fellow revenge-seeker sitting/standing right beside you screaming the same thing with the same fervor.
We have to match that, without the hate and certainly without the bigotry.
One thing that is seldom discussed is this:
The policies that the Democrats are seeking will benefit all people (including our opponents). The policies the Republicans are seeking are aimed at harming us and most likely the Republic as we know it
It looks one-sided, but that’s the hand we’ve been dealt.
This carnival-hate show is making money for people trading in/on fear. The most unlikely people are banking on this (and I use the word with multiple meanings).
KANSAS (The Borowitz Report)—Republicans in Kansas woke up to the dark prospect of life in a state where women have human rights, G.O.P. activists report.
Harland Dorrinson, a Republican stalwart in Kansas for more than forty years, said that now, after voters in the state appeared to affirm women should be treated as humans, “I no longer recognize my Kansas.”
“This is a slippery slope,” he said. “If women are granted bodily autonomy, it’s only a matter of time before they are permitted to marry who they want, wear what they want, eat what they want. I know I speak for many of my fellow-Republicans when I say I don’t want to live in a state like that.”
Dorrinson said that he is contemplating leaving the state where he has lived his entire life but is unsure where he might go. “If this kind of nightmare can happen in Kansas, it can happen anywhere,” he said.
Had Tuesday’s vote gone the other way, Dorrinson said, Republicans in the state had forecast a bright future for Kansas. “Next, we were hoping to roll back women’s right to vote,” he said, adding ruefully, “but it’s a little late for that now.”
The GQP/Confederate Party ace in the hole has always been indifference (that’s how they won big in '10, 14 and 16). They may have less of it now post-Dobbs but never believe they will run out of and stop trying to increase supply, especially if the electorate decides to chase shiny objects again and we fail to hammer our message. Another thing which may help us however is their inability to cover up the craziness as effectively as they once did. And with our bothsiderist authoritarian loving corporate media, that’s saying something.
I own this book, and I long for Franken to come back to public office. Who else would give us his thoughts on Rafael so succinctly.
“Here’s the thing you have to understand about Ted Cruz. I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz.”