Biden Willing To Stretch Out Talks With GOPers Over Infrastructure Plan Past His Deadline

As far as I can tell the GOP “counteroffer” is...13% (in new dollar terms) of what Biden is proposing. Not sure how you’d react to someone who offered that in any other negotiation.

— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) May 27, 2021

I look forward to seeing it.

Lucy Van Pelt and Charlie Brown

Indeed…but why is that relevant to what I said? You just feel the need to “rebut” the arguments I predict the GQP are trying to set up or are going to make? Polls don’t mean shit unless they involve a ballot being dropped in a box.

Pointing out the massive support Biden and the Dems have on their key agenda, despite daily attacks by the wingnut Wurlitzer. And because Dems need to stop being afraid of what the right-wing media is going to say about them, and decisively enact their agenda while they have the political capital.

Then run massive positive PR afterwards to educate the public on their accomplishments, and how the GQP tried to sabotage it.

Act decisively and thump their chests.

Use some of that bitch slap politics that JM has written about.

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Who said I’m afraid? Developing foreknowledge, preparation and an understanding of what your enemy is planning is not fear (nor is predicting it for fun on a comment board). The problem is the knee-jerk assumption that it is. Gets a little fucking tiring watching the Dems get caught flatfooted when the GQP rolls out a new narrative and they’re left standing there with their dicks in their hands trying to develop counter-messaging that they never arrive at before the GQP has moved on to the next narrative that catches the Dems flatfooted.

“Dems” meaning the office holders. I’m sure the right-wing media has never said anything about @sniffit . :wink:

I actually think we’re pretty much in agreement regarding impatience, how high the stakes are, and how the Dems need to be aware, prepare and act decisively.

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I’m sure they at least notice him, peering in the window all the time.


You don’t negotiate with terrorists, I thought everyone knew that.

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Biden’s all give so far.

Not just Progressives any more, from Common Dreams…

But even centrist Senate Democrats are beginning to lose their patience as the infrastructure negotiations drag on with no deal in sight, potentially delaying passage of an eventual bill until the next fiscal year and further setting back action on other key agenda items, from voting rights to child care to immigration reform.

“It’s getting close to pulling-the-plug time,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), the second-ranking Senate Democrat, told reporters Thursday in response to the GOP’s latest proposal.

Ellen Sciales, press secretary of the youth-led Sunrise Movement, called on Biden and congressional Democrats to “use the power vested in them by voters to do what’s needed with or without the GOP.”

“Do not cower to Republicans,” said Sciales. “Ceding to Republicans and accepting any GOP proposal will only lead to the death of more people from extreme weather, continue the persistent under- and unemployment Americans are facing, and will put in jeopardy the Democratic majority in 2022 and 2024.”

Pray do tell about Biden’s 10th dimensional chess genius.

Joe refuses to call out the blatant disingenuity of the R infrastructure proposal advertised at $950B but ackshually is about $200B in new money not already contained in the 2021 FY budget. Joe is getting played and unless he decides on a reconciliation bill for infrastructure, it is dead in the water.

If a no-brainer bill like the 1/6 Commission that was negotiated by Republicans, then abandoned by them, falls prey to the filibuster, how can Biden justify continued futile & fruitless negotiations with R’s meant only to obstruct & delay the Biden agenda?

You are right, this is a pathetic offer. What makes it even worse is the $928B is not a real number. This is another case of the media carrying the R’s tainted water. That $928B only includes about $200B in new spending. D’s are pathetic at messaging this bait & switch by R’s leading to most people not understanding that D infrastructure proposal is new money while R proposal is predominantly a repackaging of what is already in the budget.