Biden Willing To Stretch Out Talks With GOPers Over Infrastructure Plan Past His Deadline

McConnell doesn’t care about any of this crap.
He will oppose anything and everything because that’s part of who he is.

And he is increasingly frustrated by his inability to make Biden be perceived as an enemy by a large part of the rank and file.
Around half of Republicans (not office holders) support Biden’s policies.

Mitch is stewing in his own juices, and he doesn’t like it.


Watch your fucking language then!


He’s his own crock pot.



Of course they are. They doesn’t mean they’ll succeed. Manchin has folded twice; each time Biden waited him out, and got him behind the scenes. I’m not saying that’s what’s happening this time, or that it will work–but Biden has won twice.

Sinema is just a posturing Crazy Person.

We aren’t.

His own. FBI continues to roll up insurrectionists and Trump Co is chum to Cy Vance and Tish James.

Bingo. Spot-on.


A $928 billion number is really stupid. If they had come back with 1.028 trillion the Republicans would have been in a stronger position with the public. As it is they look puny. Optics are important.




How many times have we seen this movie? The one where the Democrats make concession after concession to a bill to appease the GQP only to have the very republicans who were given the concessions vote against the bill in the end anyway. Why do we keep going to this well? How many times will it take to come to the realization that the water is poison?


But I wanted a Warnock/Ossoff Parade down Pennsylvania Avenue :grimacing:


That’s why Nancy and Schumer had AntiFa raid the Capitol in the first place, to take eyes off of their GA election steal. Worked to perfection.

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No concessions have been made.
The GQP is blowing smoke, and Biden is fully aware of it.

They’ll look intransigent and uncooperative when this is all done and the original infrastructure bill passes by reconciliation.


Of course. However you have little or no evidence the Dems will then ‘ram stuff through’. I’m still waiting for my ‘robust public option’.

This all seems eerily familiar though I hasten to add that betting against Biden and his team seems ill-advised at this point.

They rammed through the COVID Bill…


Turtle soup.

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That’s one. The exception that proves the rule, I’m afraid.

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I don’t get the strategy. Everyone knows the GOP is not “negotiating”, there is nothing to be gained by letting them continue their disingenuous charade. This has been going on for decades. Why is it so hard for Democrats to give it up and accept the inevitable and go it alone?

Top Democrats are jump-starting a push to offer a health care public option — a Biden promise.

Rep. Frank Pallone and Sen. Patty Murray are trying to craft a government-provided insurance option to compete with private plans and extend coverage.

— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) May 27, 2021

I’m already getting flashbacks to the ACA “negotiations”. Its been clear for months that the GOP has been negotiating in bad faith.

Their latest “offer” is fundamentally the same as their previous offer in April, except they willing to “re-appropriate” more already authorized COVID-19 relief funds to make the top-level number seem bigger. Cutting economic relief to people still hurting from COVID-19 is neither compromise or progress.

Minimum progress to continue negotiation past Memorial Day should be written public statements from at least 10 GOP Senators that they will vote for their proposed counter-offer if brought to the floor. If they cannot provide that, then their negotiation is unserious .

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And just like with Covid, if they don’t play, Biden’s prepared to pull the rug out from under them.

He’s not gone soft yet, until he does, should maintain faith that he’ll continue course as he started.


Given the numerous polls regarding support for the Dems infrastructure plan, the Dems “proved they are totally reasonable and supported by the vast majority of the country.”