Biden Takes Aim At Felon Trump And Out-of-Control Supreme Court

Originally published at: Biden Takes Aim At Felon Trump And Out-of-Control Supreme Court

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version. Call Him What He Is A new Biden campaign ad titled “Character Matters” focuses on Donald Trump’s felony conviction (and his losses in his civil fraud and E. Jean Carroll cases): What Are…

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Good Morning Everyone! How was your weekend?

If you have any questions or need help since this weekend’s maintenance/upgrade, check out the Site Maintenance thread in the Hive.

Some of your questions may have already been answered, or you can ask a new question, and one of us can hopefully help you.

It looks like (depending on your operating system) that you may need to delete your cookies for before you are able to login.

My Charlie from a year or so ago.


Looks like there will be some tweaking for a bit.


I wonder if there’s a backdoor way to the comment section?

This will now show up on the Hive for any updates for me, I suspect, but the mechanics of getting around the new software is going to be a bit of a challenge.


I always come to the comment threads via the Hive.

I just click on my account in the upper righthand corner of the front page screen, and select the Hive option. From there, users can select TPM Article Topics as a category.


Whatever you do, don’t ask @castor_troy for help, because he will start talking about the British Royal Family.


Does anyone need a very cool new set of drawers?

Cheap……cement car bumps extra….


@castor_troy might be related.


What’s left of it…

I’m Princess Diana’s long-lost son.

And I’d really appreciate it if the Crown finally acknowledged that and gave me a couple of castles.


That’s why in your avatar you look like you have something rammed up your butt. I knew there was a reason.

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First Lady Jill Biden broke her silence on Hunter Biden’s conviction on three felony gun charges over the weekend, telling NBC News on Saturday that it had been a “tough week for my family.” She added that though the trial had forced the Biden clan to relive a number of “tough times” during the throes of Hunter’s addiction, she was inspired by his strength in court. “I think after the decision in the court, Hunter was strong, and so I have to take his example and just get out there and start fighting again,” the first lady said. She also dismissed the idea that her husband’s electoral chances in November would be affected by their son’s conviction, saying that he is a “strong man” who will do a “great job” in his second term. Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison at his sentencing—which has not yet been scheduled.

P.S. the Font has changed on TPM.


Which font? I’m seeing the same as always…??


Is it? Maybe it’s I who has changed. Actually, I notice now it’s only when typing.



“I was told I needed to clear out all the cookies!! These cookies taste terrible!”


I noticed that also. And apparently I have to toggle between the composing and preview windows now?


The candidates and CNN have finalized the ground rules for the June 27 presidential:

  • The microphone of each candidate will be muted until it’s his turn to speak;
  • No props or pre-written notes will be allowed, just a pen, pad, and bottle of water.
  • No studio audience;
  • 90 minutes long with two commercial breaks, during which the candidates may not interact with their staffs.

Do we need a betting pool for which rule Dump breaks, and when?

If Dump can’t interact with his staff, who’s going to change his diaper?


There is a down arrow somewhere there and if you click that you get the two windows back.


Sorry, no - that dropped the post offscreen.

I’m on an iPad mini which makes everything extra weird.
I think it’s Apple that’s decided a month or two ago that I should no longer be able to do text insertions - it highlights the nearest word (on a single-click) and it’s driving me crazy.


I have a mini too and it’s kind of nuts, I used to have to turn it sideways sometimes but I don’t have to do that now. You know you can pinch your keyboard and it comes off in a little mini one? Yeah text is weird sometimes. I have to use a return if I want to check the spelling on the line above.

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Degenerate and Degeneratest