Biden Smacks Down Deficit Scolds | Talking Points Memo

So beautiful to hear someone talking in sentences and making sense and going for what he views is the right thing to do for people. He has absolutely nothing to lose by going this route. Think about it he’s been around a long time and yeah it might be nice if Rethugs wanted to help, but if they don’t too bad. The Dems had one long time to think about what they would do and fortunately we picked someone that is not afraid.
Remember when lots of us said he wasn’t our first choice.
Go Biden and Harris.


75/150k means vastly different things in the New York metropolitan area and somewhere in Appalachia or Mississippi for example. This is pure conjecture but we know that Fed tax dollars in vs out heavily favors the Red States. Is it unreasonable to assume that Covid relief will follow the same pattern? The irony is that the Dems are passing legislation that will likely help the voters who support their opponents more than their own constituents. Of course the Blue States will benefit, and the country as a whole will also benefit, so it’s all good. One hopes that the wayward Red State GOP voter, who consistently votes against their own interests, will understand this at some point. I think the key is to continue to deliver, and do not allow the Manchins and Summerses and McConnells and media conglomerates scold you into half measures AND to promote these efforts heavily through advertising especially in the Red States.



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Yes. The question is: What national office can we get @irasdad elected to? Or, should we just lobby for a cabinet post for him?

Secretary of Snark, perhaps?


I’ve been reading Obama’s account of that first stimulus in A Promised Land. Joe B watched all of that unfold and drew the appropriate conclusions for this time. Drive on and go big, however you can get that done. Lesson learned.


“So beautiful to hear someone talking in sentences and making sense…”


After four years of argle-bargle-homina-homina-homina from Fat Ass, I now listen to Joe Biden and Jen Psaki and others in the new administration and I think, “Oh, so THAT’S what the English language is supposed to sound like!”


You’re not the only one. I’m positively delighted so far.


or wars


Last night Chris Hayes proposed the perfect solution to this. I was amazed I hadn’t heard of it before what with all of my intertube surfing:

Give everybody the checks and tax it back in 2021 and later years’ filings if/when incomes recover (subject to means-testing at that time of course). So people who might otherwise get left out because of 2019 income which disappeared in 2020 will be included in the relief and then if their incomes recover in subsequent years tax policy can recoup above certain thresholds.

So low-income 2019 filers get the check and keep all of it
Higher-income 2019 filers get the check and if 2021+ income is also high they have to pay some or all of it back depending on AGI

Seems elegant and errs on the side of OMG HELP EVERYBODY NOW FIGURE OUT THE DETAILS LATER, which I like.


Hillary would have arrived on the scene totally prepared too if not for those buttery males in her past.


The press conferences with Jen Psaki are something. Haven’t listened to all but she’s a straight shooter and says when she doesn’t know or when something doesn’t pertain to what she’s covering.
All of the bloody tRump spokes nincompoops should have to listen to her and then hid their heads in utter shame.


Well, according to Marjorie Taylor Greene, since irasdad is Jewish, he must own a Space Laser, and if irasdad owns a Space Laser, I’m fairly sure he can have any goddamned national office he wants to have!


It was Dick Cheney who once said, “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter”. What he meant to say was that deficits don’t matter as long as a Republican is President.

Negotiating with Republicans and expecting good faith on their part is like expecting Lucy not to yank the football away as Charlie Brown swings his foot to kick it. Democrats should make a show of soliciting their cooperation, but abandon the effort the moment it becomes clear that negotiations are a waste of time.

President Obama made the mistake of expecting Republicans to behave responsibly if he made concessions to them. Apparently, Joe has learned the lesson.


Party Murray, huh? I’m sure I’ll be duly flogged for saying this, but given their seniority I’ve long found both Washington Senators to be unusually low-profile on the national scale (Cantwell more so, admittedly). I know there is a lot more to an effective Majority Leader, but clearly being at least on the radar screen of a significant swath of the country is important. So I’m interested to hear whatever pushback on this and your case for Murray.


He is not alone, there is a lot to go around, but when the country was poised to emerge from our last Republican miasmic morass with the potential for real reform to our financial system, he with the help of many others came in and made sure the interests who brought us financial ruin were protected above all others.
The rest is history.
But with deference to your knowledge of these issues, do I have it wrong?


Wearing the baby face mask?


Yeah, Psaki’s press conferences are the nuts, but I have to say I feel very sorry for Little Rock Tent and Awning since Sarah Huckabee Sanders will not be at the podium to model their new spring fashion line.


They make this exact mistake ALL THE TIME.

It’s embarrassing. Writers should know how to use the tools of their trade.

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Speaking of not having to witness that disgusting McConnell smirk anymore how about the look of radiance from our beautiful Vice President this morning as she cast the 51st vote to get this show on the road. It’s a wonderful beginning to the new year.


I’m sure we’ll see plenty of “way to go, Joe!” and “I’m glad I was wrong” posts all over social media from all the doomsayers predicting that he’d cave. Right? RIGHT?!