Biden Sets Mid-May Deadline For GOP Infrastructure Counterproposal | Talking Points Memo

I have not read that … I must be in denial that anyone would take that proposal seriously.


I’d ask the question.

I don’t believe a word Republicans say!

The sole factor binding them together is opposition to Biden’s corporate tax hike. Capito called it a “non-negotiable red line,” and other Republicans like Sens. John Cornyn of Texas and Susan Collins of Maine agreed they wouldn’t budge.

Instead, they are suggesting potential “user-fees,” a set of charges levied on the users of a federal service or good, such as raising the federal gas tax. User-fees have the support from the Chamber of Commerce, a powerful business group.

“My own view is that the pay-for ought to come from people who are using it. So if it’s an airport, the people who are flying,” Sen. Mitt Romney told reporters on Wednesday. “If it’s a port, the people who are shipping into the port; if it’s a rail system, the people who are using the rails; If it’s highways, it ought to be gas if it’s a gasoline-powered vehicle.”

They say “user-fees”, but they mean “gas tax”.


Never gonna happen, “journalists” must preserve bothsiderism at all costs.


Broadband metering?

We already know what the Republican infrastructure plan will be: Tax Cuts for the Wealthy!


Eh, I’m sure Biden’s well aware of the polling on this. This isn’t a trap for Dems; it’s a trap for the GOP


Go ahead, I added a single solar panel to my existing system. The engineers stated that was all I needed to power the two solar vehicles I have purchased. Have not purchased a drop of oil/gas for transportation needs since.


I agree, but is Manchin/Sinema on the same page?

Which hastens the conversion to electric vehicles, and their funding mechanism dies off in the out years.

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‘We have a PLAN, we have a deadline. Please submit your ideas’…this is how ADULTS work…


Biden himself says he opposes adding anything to the gas tax to pay for infrastructure. His people say it would not raise much money.

The tax was set at 18.4 cents per gallon in ’93, when Clinton and Congressional Democrats worked to balance the federal budget. If you account for nearly thirty years of inflation, that 18.4 cents is now worth 10.2 cents.

Of course, it’s also good to ask whose income has kept up with inflation and whose has not.


Infrastructure, like everything else, will pay for itself.

And not in the good sense!

I’m sure they would be fine with it as long as the taxes come from the bottom 50% and the corporations and 1% get that money in new tax cuts. After all, that’s what the 2017 tax package did and they were all in favor.


Or get off the sanctimonious ass meme, I know you are trying to be sarcastic. If we are going to do anything about climate change people need to step forward. The systems I put into place over past 5 years on my present home and for 10 years before that on other homes have just about paid for themselves.

Solar will see ROI meet this year.
Rainwater retention meet ROI in less than 3 years.
Black/grey waste water systems meet in less than 1 year.

All in all the systems I put into place have cost less than a 10% premium over “standard” systems.


If republicans show up with anything even approaching serious – even the barest whiff of serious – I’ll personally take every TPM commenter to dinner at the French Laundry for a year.


Classic regressive taxation. So we’ll tax the truck driver, but not the businessman whose goods are being hauled.

Rich folks love use taxes because they can pass the buck to anyone but themselves.


Just give the contract to Moscow Mitch and his lovely bride - I understand she is heavily invested in asphalt companies and other construction businesses.

NB: Spelling correction


Only partly sarcastic. As long as there are polluting power plants behind all the superchargers, some of the advances are fig leafs.

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Did Prigozhin give you a corner office at 55 Savushkina Street in St. Petersburg yet?