This meeting wasn’t about a GOP compromise, cause they can’t get votes for anything(they already proved that during Trump’s first 2 years). This is about teaching the media and independents that there is no compromise available, so they have to go it alone.
Seems like good sensible politics to me.
“I’m done hearing what you’re against. If you want a seat at the table, you have to tell us what you’re for.”
This can go three ways. They can fail to put together and unify on a coherent counter-proposal, and be revealed as unserious in a way that even low-information voters can understand. They can show up with some proposal that doesn’t pass the horse-laugh test and then it gets hung around their necks until election day. Or they show up with something serious, which forms the basis for real negotiations.
Looks like a win/win/win.
The Republicans have three weeks to put a plan together that most people are going to consider a reasonable starting point for negotiations. They have proven themselves to be utterly incapable of accomplishing anything of importance. Let’s see how this goes.
Yes, I’m fully behind President Biden and think he’s doing exactly the right thing. Get these morons on the record as having nothing but opposition to his policies and let the voters figure out who’s really working for their benefit.
I’m old enough to remember back when the GOP had total control of Washington and couldn’t even assemble an infrastructure bill to vote on much less pass one.
Put up or shut up.
Sadly, the repugs can do neither.
Once Republicans start acting like responsible and serious negotiating partners, than President Biden can compromise with them. But until then their anemic and clownish counter-proposals deserve what he’s given them. A respectful hearing, and then dismissal as the non-starters they are.
Let them go back to whining about Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head instead of tackling the serious issues we face. That kind of nonsense is about all they’re good for.
Republicans will pull a buffoonish version of Pacino’s “Here’s my offer: Nothing.” They’ll think it makes them look tough, but it’ll bite them in the ass when a bill passes without them, and they’re left breathing the exhaust fumes of history.
Because they’re idiots.
I was in the midst of typing “Why even give them the opportunity” when I realized it’s a pretty good plan to let the republicans once again publicly chew off their own leg.
The odds of the GQP coming up with a reasonable plan that would be the basis for a compromise are the same as winning the Powerball lottery by buying 1 ticket, essentially ZERO.
He bites people, too.
Where else would his dog have learned how?
Romney and Co are setting up a trap for Biden/Dems. Paying for infrastructure through a gas tax causes support for the bill to plummet:
If Biden/Dems accept a gas tax as part of the “compromise”, the GOP will immediately start attacking the bill as a working class tax increase. That would be enough to kill it.
Who’s advocating for a gas tax increase?
… and constantly remind the folks who whinge how “our GRANDCHILDREN will be paying for it!!!” that “our grandchildren” will also be the ones who are continuing to use and benefit from it. So why not?
Romney made a lot of money throwing people out of work. You could ask him about raising taxes on the unemployed.
Personal take, he is being too kind and very generous.
If they show up with “something serious,” I’d first ask them how many votes it has.
O, just give us two weeks, we will have the bestest proposal the world has ever seen.
And you assume they wouldn’t lie?
There are a few proposals being floated, some as low as a penny per gallon.
Could do a treehugger tax, tax all those sanctimonious Prius and Tesla owners a buck every time they think they’re being so much better for the planet than everyone else.
Get bipartisan support for that.