Ron Klain, whom President-elect Joe Biden has tapped as his chief of staff, stated on Thursday night that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has still not spoken to the Democrat amid President Donald Trump’s corrupt attacks on the election results.
Just picture all the good will the Rethugs are spreading. And, it will be up to the bigger person to try to get some healing so they can “work together” What a task.
What difficult position? Moscow Mitch has said he’s going to keep pushing right wing hack judges through the Senate right up to January. “No time to talk, gotta keep the corruption train chugging down the tracks”.
Traitorous Lickspittle. By all means, Mitch, coddle the tangerine menace some more.
Every day you delay reaching out to the President-elect and his team only amplifies your complete and utter cowardice. Fuck you.
You must keep in mind, this lickspittle mcTurtle was just re-elected to another 6 years of his hateful, destructive, and treasonous political tactics by a 60-38 margin of Kentuckians. It will take a helluva lot to dislodge this continuing criminal menace, even if we get lucky and take the Senate for the next 2 years to start. Rant all you want, he cannot be shamed or browbeaten into doing anything differently than what he’s showing, and that reality it must not be ignored or assumed to go away somehow. We gotta get smarter, not angrier.
Everybody claims Republicans are just humoring Trump, but Trump’s actions in the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community smack of a deliberate plan. My guess is McConnell and a good part of the Republican leadership are part of that plan. We have to be vigilant. Putin and his Orange Puppet and the Republican traitors might try to pull anything.
Replying to my own post above: now, if someone has valid evidence of McTurtle playing treasonous cards with Russian assistance, for example - now there might be a way to dislodge the m-fer. Just get some triggering info to Biden’s AG, if it’s not already happening.
I’d also be looking at Moscow Mitch’s wife, I’d bet money I don’t have that she, actually both of them, have fingers into “projects” that have a very seamy/scummy side.
“He has not spoken, though, to Senator Moscow Mitch,” the Biden aide said. “I think Senator Moscow Mitch still seems to be insisting somehow that President Trump won the election. He didn’t.”
Yeah, and I’m guessing that they won’t be on speaking terms for at least the next four years. There will be no working together. McConnell will be hell bent on destroying anything Biden tries to accomplish and nothing else.
McConnell can’t be bargained with, he can’t be reasoned with, he doesn’t feel remorse or fear, or pity, and he absolutely won’t stop until he’s destroyed Biden’s presidency.
There is no plan because the guy at the top is incapable of planning. As Josh said in an EdBlog, Trump doesn’t do strategy, he operates on impulse. The staff changes at Defense and Intel (including probably firing the CIA head any minute) are just Trump punishing those who were insufficiently loyal, surrounding himself with a comfy cushion of sycophants for the last two months he’s in office.
Meanwhile, McConnell and the other high-level R’s are waiting for Trump to decide which off-ramp to take. They have nothing to lose by waiting a few more days, but it probably won’t be more than that. Pressure is building even among R’s for the GSA to fund the transition and for Biden to get security briefings, because this is starting to get into dangerous territory for national security.
I don’t expect Trump to ever concede. It will be a de-facto concession when the GSA pulls the switch, and Trump lumbers off to Mar a Lago…