Eleventh-hour changes to the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan take square aim at one idea that’s been percolating in GOP legislatures around the country: using funds for states to finance deep tax cuts.
“What’s troubling is that the tax cut stays around, and this is a one-time infusion of funds,” Auxier added.
Right, so after the stimulus is gone, the loss of revenue and resulting deficits become a justification for deep cuts to state programs to preserve a “business friendly” environment.
Tax cuts - really? Do these guys have any ideas about how to help the country that aren’t from the “already tried it and it failed” bucket at the back of Reagan’s closet.
Obviously, it doesn’t. But these GOP dungmuffins were hoping both to pull off the theft and for the yokels to blame Biden and the Dems when they get stiffed. Looks like that may be more difficult now. Did I mention that I loathe these money worshipping mofos!
Susan Collins, who was so helpful in bringing about passage of the bill, will be unavoidably absent owing to acute paresis of the scalp muscles leaving her brow with painful furrow spasms.
That weird tiny desk has been used for signings by better presidents, including morBotus’ predecessor. They use it (and a bigger room) when they need to do a signing photo op with too many people to fit in the oval office. The photo op malpractice you’re remembering was having morBotus alone at this little desk in the middle of a pool of scuffed carpet.