Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden railed against President Trump for seeming to lack “conception of what constitutes national security” in light of legendary journalist Bob Woodward writing in his forthcoming book “Rage” that Trump knew about the existence of a classified nuclear weapons system, during an interview aired on CNN Thursday.
Trump’s first thought on learning of any threat to National Security is: “How can I make a buck on this?” It is just an ingrained habit of a lifetime, and his brain is too calcified to change.
“I have built a nuclear — a weapons system that nobody’s ever had in this country before. We have stuff that you haven’t even seen or heard about,”
Although the Chinese and the Russians will soon develop some just like it, because Kushner sold them the blue prints. Trump himself gave the blueprints to Kim Jung-un for free just because he loved how he address him as “His Excellency”
Assume for the sake of argument that there is a new super-secret system. It wasn’t developed since 2017, when Trump took office. Systems like that take a decade or more to mature.
This system was born in a previous administration. The idea that Trump developed it is laughable.
Tomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11. Joe and Jill Biden will attend memorials. Trump will watch Fox all day.
Inbox: "On Friday, September 11, in the morning, Jill and Joe Biden will travel to New York City, New York to attend the 9/11 Memorial & Museum’s 19th anniversary commemoration ceremony. In the afternoon, VP Biden and Dr. Biden will travel to Shanksville, Pennsylvania."
Biden went on to take aim about how Trump boasts about “can you repeat four words in a row or whatever his little IQ test or dementia test he took.”
I’m glad Joe took the subtle dig of working that dementia test in: the people in glass houses should be left picking up the shards after throwing this stone.
I just feel it in my bones that someone in WH counsel office, or Sessions/Barr had to explain to him that he can’t sue for his share of the profits on these books.
Classy but that’s what a person with a modicum of dignity does.
As for “building” a new nuclear weapons system, this rotting-brain wreck couldn’t build a prefab shed kit from Lowes. He built? Please. And he will invariably blab classified stuff to anyone with patience to sit and listen to him, like when the Russian ambassador and foreign minister stop by to visit.