Biden Is Convinced Military Would Remove Trump If He Refused To Leave White House | Talking Points Memo


Joe should be out campaigning or at least be on camera somewhere. This is just falling into a distraction trap.

My concern is that Trump will refuse to leave the White House and call out his heavily armed supporters to protect him. I have no doubts that many will answer that call.


2 10yr old gamers with a live Taser…
Or, they’ll get an eagle to chase him out.


He will have some russian hookers piss on the bed for sure

I don’t think the military would be the ones to cause tRUmp’s exit from the premises. Even though they are an arm of the Executive Branch, The Secret Service is professional enough that they officially and instantly recognize the newly elected/sworn-in President-Elect/President as the actual President.

The raison d’être of the Presidential Protective Division obligates them to the newly-elected President, his (and eventually her :roll_eyes:) safety, and the efficient transfer of power. Certainly they “respectfully” would allow for tRUmp’s voluntary exit, but as soon as he refuses they’d make a hole and escort him out. “We’ll box your stuff and ship it to you…”

The king is dead! Long live the king!


I’m not so sure Pence would give Trump a pardon.

Cheney wanted a pardon for his buddy Scooter Libby in January 2009. W did not comply.


It only took him **Ten days to come to the revelation that his actions were political.


They’d be rounded up and parked in prison for a nice long cool down. Or they’d get blown to bits by government forces.


I’m sure Kellyanne Conway and Kayleigh McEnany will be happy to contribute.

My fear is that he will file all kind of lawsuits contesting the elections in key democratic states, and has enough allies in the judiciary to drag things for months, what if his judges in the SCOTUS agree that California and NY’s elections were illegitimate? You can count on Kavanaugh, Alito and Gorsuch to come up with some justification.


Nah. Better yet. Hope Hicks bending over and lifting her skirt will get Trump to follow her out the WH door.

Does he have a single leg to stand on now? Whatever legitimacy he had has been frittered away consistently for three years.

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I guarantee you no one in this country hates that fool more than the SS members tasked with protecting him. They have to spend all damn day with that monster listening to him whine, bellow, rage, and scream. They know far better than we do the depths of his depravity.

You honestly believe that Trump is going to remember this statement five months from now and then use it to effectively convince the military to keep him in the WH and that somehow everybody is just going to go along with that because reasons?


Perhaps fumigating the White House with Cockholster still inside isn’t such a bad idea. Just sayin’.

How about shoot him with a rhino-sized tranquilizer dart, film it, and play it on a loop?

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The physical space itself is fairly important. It’s not just an office building, it’s a military installation. And the change over isn’t just the President but the entire transition team.

This conversation is happening to get people prepared for when Trump tries to invalidate the election or refuses to leave. The peaceful transition of power is what we have excelled at and other presidential systems have failed at. Here’s to hoping it wasn’t just luck.


Raisin d’être: breakfast cereal of philosophers


Ten thousand.

Five to hold Trump in place and 9,995 to drag the bunker away.


In 2001 the Clinton staff took the “W’s” off some White House computers. I’m expecting much worse from this bunch next January.