Biden Is Convinced Military Would Remove Trump If He Refused To Leave White House | Talking Points Memo

Speaking of vacating the white house, the preznit is sneaking off to Bedminster golf course this evening. He’s going to a fundraiser in Dallas in the afternoon, then the return trip goes to the New Jersey golf course. He’ll wake up at the golf course Friday morning.


I’m still not ‘convinced’ and frankly when Milley and Esper were with him at the church, that was a low point for my faith in the military to do the right thing. But then we saw all the top brass scurrying like the rats they are when they got called out by a few men of principle and realized the majority of people were pissed about what happened. I feel fairly confident that they’d do the right thing if it came down to it. But lets not pretend that Flynn is some outlier among military leadership. Most of them are awful, political animals who have done whatever they had to do (or turned a blind eye whenever personally advantageous) to get where they are. The Military rarely rewards courage other than on the battle field. People who speak up for what is right consistently see their careers railroaded.


Why the military? It’s the Secret Service’s job to remove trespassers from the White House grounds. And that’s what Trump will be after noon on Jan 20. Having seen his grossness up close for 4 years I suspect most of them will be happy to do their duty and follow the will of the people.


He won’t be there. He’ll fly to Mar-a-GoGo on election day and won’t return to the WH ever again.

If he hasn’t decided to skip the trouncing at the polls and just resigned prior.


… You would THINK that Biden would understand how the US government works.

The military is not going to do any such thing, and it’s honestly stupid of him to think he could rely on that to happen. And it’s frightening that the former Vice President, who spent several years as a Senator, who is running for President, thinks that would happen.


After the aggregate response to Trump’s demands that the military be used against the American people, I’d have to agree with Biden. That was the only way for Trump to remain after a defeat, if he had enough support among the military for such a coup, and he clearly does not.


Great! Joey mentions it. He does it casually (as though Trump is obviously that stupid).


I believe it should be the U.S. Marshalls job, not the military, to remove tRump.


Biden never said the military would do that. That’s the headline, but he just said ‘they’ which I take to mean the Secret Service or US Marshall’s office.


One catch: if the situation devolves to where the House votes to determine the president, each state gets one vote. 26 states to win.

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Even the Republicans in congress will not tolerate this. It will be their Nixon moment after election day to say you must leave on 1/20/2021. Trump will have no presidential authority at high noon on 1/20/2021. He will leave and if he wants the dual screen mode on our TV’s that day the US Marshalls should escort him out the front door. I want the actor Tommy Lee Jones (The Fugitive) to do the honors…


None. Hope Hicks holding a bag of hamberders will suffice.


Hell, the Secret Service will escort Trump out of the White House the moment Biden takes the Oath of Office.
I suspect that the day before Biden is inaugurated, Trump will completely trash the White House, possibly even set fire to it, and flee in his Private Jet to a country with no extradition treaty with the US (like Saudi Arabia) and set up his “Trump TV” broadcasts (funded by Saudi and Russian Money) as his next “con” where he can “encourage” a new Civil War in the US to stroke his ego.


To a degree, yes. However I do not think it would be the military.

But it was stupid to engage the hypothetical.

In the end I do not think it will be a problem getting trump out of the White House come January… after he bombs Iran in November to sooth himself after losing he will then proceed to salt the earth of the country to ensure Biden has a harder presidency.

After that he will likely resign and have pence pardon him out the door. Trump won’t even show to the Inauguration, because he knows that the crowd will dwarf his own Inauguration.

Joe will most certainly note the crowd size from the podium as a dig. Certainly if there are to be guest speakers, Biden will request Obama, and maybe leave the crowd size comments to him.


I think it’s excellent trolling by Biden. His remarks just drip with jovial contempt


Liz Cheney = The Entire Delegation of California


“I don’t believe police should be defunded,” Biden said when pushed on the matter.

Hope Biden takes the initiative to brand his approach to “defunding” as “reinventIng” or something like that. Because he is the nominee, he alone could change the dynamic, adopting the priorities of the movement while dropping the exploitable tag line.


A Republic, ma’am, if you can keep it.


This is why President Cartman will do ANYTHING up to and including declaring Martial Law to stop (or at least to fuck-up) the November Election.
He knows that WHEN he loses, he is a “dead man waddling” and is destined to spend the rest of his life in Prison.
Remember: “Nothing is more dangerous than a cornered rat.”


Trump ego will be bruised, but going quietly is not his way.

Trump will certainly be at Mar a Lago on election night. However he will certainly return to the White House. Trump is a pretty, petty man. He will most assuredly ruin any chance of success for the next president. A war will start, some economically catastrophic presidential orders will be given and the rich will get another giveaway.

He will then resign and get Pence’s pardon.