Biden Forced To Remind Everyone He Doesn't Control The Weather

Originally published at: Biden Forced To Remind Everyone He Doesn’t Control The Weather

For politicians who still ground their rhetoric, more or less, in the real world, there’s an argument to be made for they-go-low-we-go-high-ing your way out of acknowledging most of the far-right’s most vile, racist, extreme and dangerous conspiracy theories, including those propagated by Donald Trump himself. But President Biden found himself in a tricky spot…

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Here’s a photo of Santander Arena, in Reading, PA for tonight’s Trump rally. The arena seats just over 7,000 but I see very few sitting in the stands, only floor seating.

This is 1 hour from his scheduled start time. I’m thinking low-energy here, right?

I’ve seen more people at high school basketball games.


If I really thought that “they” could control the weather, I’m not sure I would also plan on waging a civil war against “them” if the election didn’t go my way.


People die because of the conspiracy lies MTG spreads. It makes her happy. Likewise, TSF.


Room full of losers, with room to go around.


“Biden Forced To Remind Everyone He Doesn’t Control The Weather”

We aren’t headed toward idiocracy anymore. We’re there.


(It is rare for cartoonist Ramirez to be funny and satire Republicans, for he is known for his own wild right-wing lies)

Meanwhile, Trump’s $60 bibles cost $3 to print in China. I guess his profit drops when he imposes tariffs. Trump also is mad about 60 Minutes editing the Harris interview (as all shows do) :roll_eyes:


Watched Ari Melber talking about the weather disinformation. Have never seen this degree of this ever.

However, when the little Trump minion, Alina Habba, claimed there were babies floating in the water, it reminded me of this whopper:

Were Iraqi babies thrown out of incubators?

In her testimony, which took place two months after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, she claimed to have witnessed Iraqi soldiers taking babies out of incubators at a Kuwaiti hospital before looting the incubators and leaving the babies to die on the floor.


“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” ― attributed to Mark Twain, but other versions refer to the truth “getting its pants on.”


The Republican strategy is to lie about how government works to make people believe that Dems control the weather and are sending storms to Republican states while simultaneously denying Republican voters disaster relief so they can give money to illegals.

The RNC has no platform (except for Project 2025) and no real strategy for running against Harris/Walz and Dems in general. They seem really bankrupt, but they’ve been moving towards issue-free outrage-inducing campaigns for years.


Fake! Those are AI generated empty seats!

As for the empty brains in front, AI is not that powerful.

/s (Just in case)


Oh, baloney. In the history of mankind, Conspiracies R Us. The Greeks and Romans blamed gods and goddesses for all manner of bad fortune. This is nothing new.


Quick look shows possible two 10 x 10 rows, or 200 people on the floor. A few more behind the stage to make it look full on TV.


If Democrats had the power to control the weather, you would think they would use some of their power to prevent imbeciles from serving in Congress.


“The more outrageous the lie, the easier to believe.” Or words to that effect.


“Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, a congresswoman from Georgia, is now saying the federal government is literally controlling the weather.”

Of course, once you get past the Odd-Toed Ungulate’s batshitcraziness (apologies to bats, guano, and Crazy-Americans) there’s unbelievable irony here.

The corrupt and Republican-dominated SCOTUS actually struck down the federal government’s authority to regulate carbon emissions, allowing the unchained fossil-fuel industry to control the weather – or at least the climate.

You know: Big Oil, the folks Marge wants to line their greedy pockets unfettered while they create super storms like Helene with increasing frequency, and cook our only home and fragile planet into a carbon cinder even more desiccated than my sister-in-law’s baked chicken.

Marge is onto something – but her stunning lack of self awareness has her pointing fingers in exactly the opposite direction of reality.

(Irony isn’t just dead, it’s been dismembered and buried under the end zone at Giant Stadium.)


“A lie can travel halfway around the world while Rudy Giuliani is feverishly pulling up his pants and exclaiming ‘I never touched her!’”


The population of Berks County, Lehigh County (adjacent) and Lancaster County (adjacent) rings up at over 1.5M. Trump can’t muster more than a couple hundred supporters, less than 30 days out from the election?

As I said before, low energy.


Okay, I haven’t yet read the piece, but the headline suggests it features President Biden’s press conference. So why is the “hero image” of the Convicted Felon candidate and some maganut?


I’ve told this story before, but the guy who walks his dog where I go birdwatching has, on more than one occasion told me about “the weather machine”. Ex-army intelligence (he says) and saw it’s effects in Iraq (he says). The claim has been around for some time. The seed of the claim comes from experiments up in Alaska called the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, HAARP, which not surprisingly, has nothing to do with weather

The lunatics are on the grass…