Biden Comes Out Swinging With Flood Of Actions Reshaping Fed Role In COVID Response | Talking Points Memo

They better fucking not. MoscowMitch wants that because he’ll be able to kill almost everything, then use the lack of delivery to steal the majority back in two years.


something my wife brought up that has us both wondering

Biden will keep in place travel restrictions from Europe and Brazil that Trump moved to lift in his final day in office.

Why was Trump moving to lift travel restrictions in the last couple days of his Admin? Trying to sneak more cases of the new variants for Biden to deal with? Trying make Biden look xenophobic by closing borders? There is always an angle–but we are having trouble figuring out this one. Any thoughts?


All of the above. Basically breaking more things.

One of our pieces of luck is that the new administration has smart, experienced people. So when Biden says “Give me an EO to sign about X” it happens very quickly, instead of the dragged-out pace that trump worked at.


Mitch is still trying to pull a close ambush.

The proper response is turn to face the enemy and charge through their position to get out of the killbox while firing.

Hopefully they will stick to it???

(not feeling tons of confidence based on previous experience)


What? Someone is in the job this morning…We will have to get used to that.


Negotiations continue, but don’t be surprised if the filibuster remains. The so-called “centrists” want it.

Of course, Schumer, just having risen to Majority Leader, does not want to lose his majority, either …


Schumer needs to brainstorm with some serious Senate scholars on how to get around Manchin et al for nuking the filibuster. Manchin’s reluctance to go along for the sake of his own political ass cannot be tolerated. Start running ads immediately how Manchin is against giving West Virginians an additional $1400.


Maybe Bolsonaro paid - or promised - something. Talk about two of a kind. As far as Europe goes? Yeah, just being underhanded and adding one more disaster to be fixed.

[quote=“cervantes, post:66, topic:202972, full:true”]

Manchin and Boxer right? Are there others?

[quote=“trustywoods, post:69, topic:202972”]

I think Feinstein goes in the same square.

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Barbara Boxer retired from the Senate in 2017 and was replaced by Kamala Harris, who has been replaced by Alex Padilla.

ETA to correct Padilla’s name.


But this isn’t about killing the filibuster. It’s about killing the ability to kill the filibuster before anything even gets underway.

The equivalent of, say, putting only about half the cops you need around the Capitol Building ahead of a big protest…


I knew that sounded weird somehow when I was reading it. Thanks.

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Well, Barbara Boxer’s not there any more. Her seat was won by Kamala Harris and is now occupied by Alex Padilla.

But yes, there are others apart from Manchin: Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema, for one.

Plus supposedly there are Republican “centrists” as well: Susan Collins, for example, is beseeching us to keep the filibuster and not get rid of it in an unthinking moment of passion.


Okay so , as someone said Feinstein then?

Who are the others?

It must be your auto-correct that changed Alex’s name to Manuel.

Things have changed quite dramatically in the Senate.
There is no valid comparison between what is happening now and what has happened in the past.

Smart people are waiting until things shake out with the new leadership before they start whining about the Democrats.

Thanks for the clarification.

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Yes, the time to pressure our Senators is after they agree on the new Senate’s rules, not before.


I have no idea.

As I pointed out above, things have changed a lot in the Senate.
The future of the filibuster is unclear, but I believe it’s safe to say that its survival is hanging by a very frayed thread.