Biden Camp Reacts To Trump Wearing Mask | Talking Points Memo

Now if Ivanka had a line of masks branded to her name.


Loyalty to Deplorables is the ability to accept a new belief without missing a beat. There are a few families who are now encouraging people to wear masks after a loved one who vowed to never wear a mask went on to becoming another C-19 statistic.

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Soon to come.

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I’m grateful to the people of Walter Reed for standing up to the White House this time around, but the pandemic is raging like a motherfuck now and It. Did. Not. Have. To. Come. To. This.
I seem to remember that when V-P Dense visited Mayo Clinic amid the first flare-up they did not enforce their mandatory mask wearing policy against him and turn his party away at the door. People from their base squealed “Mayo Clinic could have lost funding.” and “They have to work with the White House if they want to help move the agenda forward.” All that really did was help justify Current Occupant’s ignorant anti-science views and bolster Dense’s inept leadership of a blundering task force.
Everything got worse. And here we are.


By confusing us with their own confusion.


It is not exercise when you spend millions of the public’s money to facilitate every damn week almost. This isn’t run the president out to a local set of links to swing the club around. It is an expedition with requisite transport, security and logistics.

He is making excuses like the self professed dieter who comes up with the weak rationalization to take one more large piece of cake. For their low blood sugar ya know. And then he is nakedly lying about it with the curtains open and the lights on. Hello, we can see you!


I can’t imagine that kind of body image pressure. If I wear a nice dress shirt and trim my beard my wife is usually over the moon. Of course I may have made her lower her standards, but still…


I thought that it was a brossiere.


Please! No!

This is a different approach.


Yah, that’s the worst of the work, the eyes. My best guess is that she started young with the pulling and had a couple procedures too many to boot, and now she’s drifting toward Lucille Ball territory. Note where her hairline is now – and yet, her brows are still too low. My best guess is that’s because she was pulled too tight to the sides to get the right lift in her brows. And those cheeks look like they’ve had about a pound of filler stuffed into them.

She should post the name of her surgeon so women can avoid him or her. This is really bad work.


Actually, I just saw the episode again a few weeks ago. Kramer wants to call it the Bro, Frank Costanza insists on Manssiere-


Every so often I think how grateful I am that I’m not that young and not that concerned anymore because trying to keep up with that pressure has gotten harder and harder. Now you have to perfect everything - Everything. Feet, genitals, everything. They get plastic surgery on every square inch of their bodies anymore and then there is the body hair thing.

It would be brutal.


As we say in the South, she looks harder than times in '29.
And she’s painted up like an Oriental sunset.


Typical Trump “crazy eyed” supporter.

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The Biden campaign was quick to call out President Trump after he finally wore a mask publicly after months of refusing to do so on Saturday night.

He was refusing to do so on Saturday night?

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Makes one wonder what exactly is in the eye of the beholder.

Then there is the wonderful apocryphal story of Napoleon marching back to Paris, and sending Josephine a message – don’t bathe! Ne te lave pa. Je reviens.

Man those days are gone. Women need to primped and shaved and sanitized out of existence. And cut. The genital plastic surgery is the real kicker, I think.

I’m glad I’m not young anymore myself.


Useless is as useless does.


I remember some years back when I first started reading about foot surgery to make your feet look better in strappy sandals and I thought then - holy shit. Now it’s labia.

Women are being made into dolls. Or children. I’m suspicious of men wanting hairless grown women. I think the whole thing is rather sick.

