Biden Camp Criticizes WH For Fauci Memo | Talking Points Memo

Don’t know about nicer… About that same 2000 time I was in NO a couple of sunrises. The locals were washing their cars (almost cool those mornings) and the cops were helping the drunks into cabs.
Wonder what Jr did to convince them to haul him in?


E) All of the above

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"… I don’t always agree with him.”

Damnit Jim! I’m a real estate swindler, not a doctor!


You left out abysmal!


If I was a christian, I wonder if I’d think Covid was punishment for electing the golden calf.


“I have a very good relationship with Dr. Fauci. I’ve had for a long time, right from the beginning,”

They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."


There is an old saying… “Given enough time, the experts are always wrong about something.” This is true in just about all areas of expertise with the possible exception of theology.

Trump would read this and only see some of the words… see the words he wants to see.

The difference between Trump and real “experts” is that the latter will invariably learn from their mistakes but the former, who never makes mistakes forfeits the chance to learn anything. The latter evolves into a ever more elevated temporal consciousness while the former has a reality that is fed and defined by his fears and fantasies and will eventually descend into his own private hell like a turd swirling its way ever downward into the sewer.

Sweet Dreams Donald.


This is WONDERFUL news.
I hope that Mary Trump, who has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, is capable of succinctly describing Donald Trump’s dangerous infirmities to the American public in a manner they can understand. Something like

“He is incapable of caring about you and only wants to use you to make more money for himself. He does not care about the Constitution or the Law. He will stoop to any level of corruption, lawlessness and tyranny to crush you under the heel of his boot. He will promise you anything, but will keep everything for himself. He is sadistic and enjoys your pain and suffering because he believes it makes him better than you. He is hopelessly mentally and emotionally ill.” – Volvo

Is that good for a starter?



another voice can now speak freely …


Well that works for me.


Here’s the latest in the “Operation Destroy Fauci”

Jake Tapper

White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Director of Social Media posts cartoon and message on FB attacking the nation’s leading infectious disease expert for telling the truth about this deadly pandemic.…


7:53 PM · Jul 13, 2020

Obviously, they’re trying to force him to resign of his own accord because they think firing him would be a political looser. Well, this gambit isn’t working out so well either.

Also, Scavino is a pusillanimous shitbuzzard.


A drunken display of arrogant, self-entitled “white, northerner rich kid” belligerence, maybe… He’s pretty good at that sober. Imagine how he could be while inebriated? I suspect you just add abusive and rude to that list, and hey presto.

Speaking of Junior’s behavior, has anyone noticed the absolute silence around his divorce? I have to assume that in typical Trumpian fashion, multiple NDAs were required if she wanted an easy route to a settlement and alimony. It’s Junior’s first, isn’t it? Probably the first of of many, since the fruit never falls far from the tree…

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When Trump and his pig-ignorant sycophants run their mouths off about stuff that they so clearly do not understand … it awakens those who not only understand - but who teach it and practice it .

AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges)
is a not-for-profit association dedicated to transforming health care through innovative medical education, cutting-edge patient care, and groundbreaking medical research. Its members comprise all 155 accredited U.S. and 17 accredited Canadian medical schools; nearly 400 major teaching hospitals and health systems, including 51 Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers; and more than 80 academic societies. Through these institutions and organizations, the AAMC serves the leaders of America’s medical schools and teaching hospitals and their 173,000 faculty members, 89,000 medical students, 129,000 resident physicians, and more than 60,000 graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the biomedical sciences. Additional information about the AAMC and its member medical schools and teaching hospitals is available at


Where is a Derek Chauvin when you need one?
Too harsh?

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A noble thought . . .thank you!

"I have a very good relationship with Dr. Fauci. I’ve had for a long time, right from the beginning,” Trump said. “I find him to be a very nice person. I don’t always agree with him.”

“I don’t always agree with him?”

WTF is that supposed to mean? tRump isn’t qualified to disagree with him on anything having to do with science, epidemiology, or medicine. I know there’s a lot going on and as my mother would always say, “you have to pick your battles,” but that the press gives him a pass when he says these things is frustrating.

My first question to tRump would be, “how are you qualified to disagree with Dr. Fauci on anything?”


In this case one can reasonably guess that a combination of Trump personally and people who otherwise would be smart enough to oppose saying “fuck it, why the fuck not…” (as in throwing up their hands).

So the actively stupid-evil Trump-Miller axis.

As I was waiting for my take-out lunch order from a local burger place yesterday, some moron came in without a mask. The employee behind the counter asked him to put on a mask. The guy got a stunned look on his face and threw up his arms like, “Are you kidding me? Really?” He muttered something as he turned around. As he was leaving he loudly said, “I have a Constitutional right to eat in a restaurant!” The guy behind the counter said, “Sorry. No shoes, no shirt, no mask, no service.” I looked at the employee behind the counter and said, “Good for you for standing up to him. Don’t let anyone intimidate you with that Constitutional right bullshit.” He and his manager grinned widely at me - yes, I could see the grins behind their masks - and continued with their work.

I just felt like it was important to let them know that at least one member of the public supports their efforts to do the right thing with regard to mask-wearing. After all, that employee was taking care of me, as well as himself and his colleagues.


Meh. Head lice is more popular than Trump.

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