Biden Assistant Health Secretary Pick Would Be First Senate-Confirmed Openly Transgender Federal Official | Talking Points Memo

Republicans wouldnt do this for Republicans, if the Republican isn’t subservient enough.

Remember Trump not wanting to, and at least delaying, fly flags at half mast for McCain’s death?


Back in the early days of the Pandemic i’d tune into the daily briefings with Gov. Wolf and Dr. Levine. I found her to be a very straightforward, somewhat soft spoken communicator. Just facts, no opinions or quotable commentary. Very reassuring.


But but but… what happens when she has to go to the bathroom?


While I understand the historical significance, can we add “gender identity” to the list of absolutely irrelevant qualifications to hold office?

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One of the GOP’s favorite things to do to attack transgendered folks is yell about gender being an immutable biological fact. I’m not 100% sure whether this particular asst. secretary position has to go through Senate hearings (the list is long and apparently some do and some don’t), but even if not subject to the hearings, I expect the GOP will take every opportunity to demean Dr. Levine and, if given the opportunity, put her in a double-bind with a line of questioning deliberately designed to present the false choice/dichotomy of either “denying science” of “biological gender” or “affirming science” by denying her identity and wellness.


I’m sure that Dr. Levine has already considered such questions may be asked and is more than capable of answering them.


I have no doubt of that either. Not sure why it even required being stated. Has nothing to do with the point I was making.

I think it does have something to do with the point you were making. If I understand you correctly, you were pointing out that the GOP will undoubtedly try to attack and demean her. I was just adding that I think she is stronger than those who attack and demean her.

Even though Republican Senators may try to “trip up” Dr. Levine in questioning, I know that she is capable of explaining to them and correcting them when necessary.

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Yes, but pointing out the GOP’s malfeasance or predicting it doesn’t always require a constant response treating the prediction as if it implies fear of it succeeding or even certainty of it succeeding. It gets frickin tiring. Yeah, I get it, everyone wants to reassure themselves that it won’t work, can’t happen, blah blah blah, but the prediction of their attempt doesn’t require the knee-jerk “nuh uh” responses at all. It is an isolated point in and of itself.

I’ll try better next time :wink:

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Who cares?

As long as she can do that job, that’s all that is important.

When the house is on fire, surrounded by a terrorist mob, and a Massive Tsunami is fast approaching, you don’t give a rat’s ass who is flying the helicopter that is lifting you to safety.

I look forward to the COMPETENCE, HONESTY, and PROFESSIONALISM of the members of the Biden Administration. What a refreshing change…

Me too…didn’t mean to snap at you really


dr levine was my professor in med school. she’s brilliant and probably one of the funniest professors i’ve ever had.


Welcome @md_aware!

I have a feeling that @cervantes would agree with you.

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Thanks for the clarification–it is very helpful. Most of us “thinking folks” understand that the questions related to “biological” sex, and “social” gender, are separate issues. Of course the GOPers will use pretzel logic. They seem to be incapable of facing facts and truth. So, we can do our best to straighten them out. Every once in a while, we will encounter one of them that will listen…

I’d bet that @kelaine is right on target. Dr. Levine will have an answer at the drop of a hat. And, we should too.


That sense of humor must have come in handy over the last decade or two …

Anyway, welcome!


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my question us, what does being a trans have to do with anything???


Isn’t that a question best directed to those who oppose Dr. Levine’s appointment?

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you do it…i i really don’t care…

It should not. if it has to do with her appointment. If it has to to with her qualifications, I’d say that she has some special qualifications because of her interest in pediatrics, adolescent eating disorders, public health issues, and LGBTQ questions, she has everything to weigh in on.

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