Biden Assistant Health Secretary Pick Would Be First Senate-Confirmed Openly Transgender Federal Official | Talking Points Memo

They will try to paint her as a quack who believes gender can be changed despite being a biological fact…as if she believes in sorcery and witchcraft and not science and oh look now it’s the Dems who reject science and are a danger to our children.

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I’m sure Dr. Levine knows that sex can’t be changed.


I’m sure they will try anyway and the entire exchange will be ridiculous.

And fun.

I hope they get to have some fun.


A lot of progressives are going to complain that the Biden administration isn’t doing the things they want. No Medicare for all, no free college…the list will be long. They should be looking at things like this, the diversity of people and opinions he is bringing into the room, and realize that he’s creating a very progressive team, and a very capable one, that will break a lot of barriers in people’s minds. That’s more important than programs like Medicare for all for the future of the nation, some people need to see Dr. Levine doing things that white males have always been doing to realize that they are just the same as everyone else, and not a threat of some kind.


Keep the faith, @cervantes. There will be fun. You can’t have rainbows without a storm.


This is … not true!


Not sure who you are referring to here. Tell us more, please.

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Just searched for this - had missed the final outcome - glad to see it resolved

Total: 50
Democrats: 21
Republicans: 28
Other: 1
Vacancies: 0

… but note that table will be updated - there is now a vacancy


ok, I’m sorry, I was wrong.

Great pick. And yes, talk about fearless leadership, this woman has taken criticism of appalling variety and dimension, and never wavered.


This is historic. Transgendered men and women come from many backgrounds. I personally know a person who was an astrophysicist until she came out. That was in the eighties and guess what, she became a musician. Despite her accomplishments that whole community in North America shunned her. She worked in projects and people you have heard about in the past. Afterwards, she returned to Canada and started her new life

My point is, it’s about time that transgendered people can live their life to fullest extent. This appointment sends a beautiful signal. Some people forget that the mind, the grey matter, remains. Good thing Biden/Harris aren’t in that group.


Just thought I would post something simple about sex vs gender identity. From a great resource–Planned Parenthood. Support this organization, if you can and are interested.


Oh, that’s OK. So was I.

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Maybe we can have rainbows without a storm…but can we truly appreciate them without a storm?


If you have access to Netflix, look up the episode of Bill Nye Saves the World that takes this on. The entire episode is worth watching, because it provides tools, based on science, for having the discussion, but here’s his closing monologue.


I knew a few people, too, including a writer, an economist, and a young teacher. In these cases, as far as I could tell, others simply accepted the new first names and the new pronouns and moved right along.

This was decades and decades ago.

Most cases were horrific and I suppose many still are – with even close family members doing a lot of damage.


Great resource, and great intro. Thanks for posting this! :pray:

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Old joke

Q: How do you tell the sex of a chromosome?

A: You pull down their jeans.


I don’t mind sharing. It’s not a zero-sum thing. Not familiar with her but if the Pennsy GOP likes her she must be the best of the best.

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