Biden Admin Reminds Health Insurers Of ACA Birth Control Mandate

The Biden administration issued guidance on Thursday reminding health insurers that they must comply with the Affordable Care Act’s birth control mandate, which guarantees coverage of contraceptives at no additional cost. The administration said it will take enforcement actions if insurers fail to comply.

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The ads write themselves: “Republicans want to take away your birth control”


Good messaging and essential policy.


Is it too much to remind people of Joni Ernst’s make them squeal ad? Surely this isn’t what Joni has in mind for Birth Control???


Don’t forget the barefoot and pregnant.
And for someone to have been married for 27 years only has one 22 y/o daughter…well did someone stop having sex, or did she use birth control?


I know this is way down in the weeds, but this is how an Administration enforces the law and the intent of regulations and statutes (settled law). Well done, HHS and its component agency, CMS, to be on this. Hit them where it hurts. $$$$$


The guidance also reminds employer-sponsored health plans and health insurance issuers that they are obligated to provide the “full range” of contraceptives approved by the FDA to their employees under the ACA, which include birth control pills, rings, IUDs, emergency contraception (such as Plan B), diaphragms and sponges.

Pleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease tell me one of these went to the HR administrator at SCOTUS.


In an interview with Time Magazine in 2014, Ernst said that she was sexually harassed in the military, saying, “I had comments, passes, things like that” that she was able to stop, and said she would support removing investigation and prosecution of sexual assault cases from the chain of command.[23]

In the 2014 election, Ernst received $17,552,085 in “dark money”, which constituted 74% of non-party outside spending in her support;[60] she had a $14 million outside spending advantage over her opponent.[34] In an October 2014 debate, Ernst said she “believe[s] in political free speech” and did not see a need to change campaign finance laws.[61]

Ernst won the 2014 Senate race, 52.2% to 43.7%.[62] She is the first woman elected to represent Iowa in either house of Congress.[63]

In 1992, Ernst (then Joni Culver) married Gail Ernst.[210] The Ernsts have one daughter, Libby.[3][4] On August 27, 2018, Ernst announced that she and her husband were in the process of obtaining a divorce.[211] In a sworn affidavit, Ernst stated that she had declined then-candidate Trump’s offer to be his vice-presidential running mate because Gail “hated any successes [she] had and would belittle [her] and get angry any time [she] would achieve a goal”, and that she made “sacrifices … out of concern for Gail and [their] family.”[212] Gail said that he “gave up his aspirations” to support Ernst’s pursuit of her political ambitions.[213] The divorce was finalized in January 2019, with Joni Ernst alleging that Gail had verbally and mentally abused her and on one occasion physically assaulted her. The Ernsts accused each other of infidelity; both denied the respective accusations.[214]

In her first interview after her divorce, Ernst revealed that she had been raped in college.[215]

It’s too hard to read this last part, but I have to say that I feel sorry for her. My god.


I don’t care for her and her positions, especially after reading the whole thing.
If I had balls and was her constituent I’d ask her, “with all of challenges that you went through, it was God’s plan for you deny help and empathy to other women?”.


Democrats asked for unanimous consent to pass the legislation, but that effort was blocked after Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) objected to the request.

OK, so force a roll-call vote. Get the bastards on record voting against birth control.


I assume most of the female legislators have used birth control. Do what I say, not what I do. What dangerous stupid hypocrites they are.


You can be sure that one of those “religious freedom” legal foundations along with Jim Bopp have a group like the Little sisters of the poor or an aggrieved pharmacist on speed dial ready to sue
because they wouldn’t sign a contraceptive waiver or fill a prescription claiming that it would violate their conscience.


These people do not have a conscience. Or any empathy. In my golden years I never anticipated watching democracy die.


Spot on.

Having experienced what she did, how can she now be missing the compassion gene? I guess she’s a republican before she’s a woman like every other woman in the party.


Here’s what else Joe is doing but we won’t see it here because click bait is the name of the game.

The extent to which the package, known as the Inflation Reduction Act, could alleviate the most rapid price gains in 40 years remains to be seen. But many economists agreed that the tax and other provisions would likely help reduce price pressures somewhat, although the overall effect is likely to be modest and potentially will not be felt for months or years.


This is not a game. It’s not about who owns who. People suffer, people lose their jobs, people die. This particular commentary is about the blocking of the burn pits bill, but it applies across the board. Politics is not sports.


Perhaps she just values her job more than her conscience. She “vice-signals” a lot, but she’s never seemed like a very enthusiastic right winger to me. Whatever suffering she may have faced has been assuaged by the succor of power and influence.


It’s a dying gasp.


So due to my deeply held religious convictions I can post a sign at my bar that says “No Catholics Allowed”?

And Bopp would defend me?