Ben Ginsberg Issues Warning To Fellow Republicans About Law Governing Electoral Count | Talking Points Memo

Because rotten, evil, thieving cheaters cannot stop themselves from thinking that everyone else must be rotten, evil, thieving cheaters too. Ginsberg inadvertently tells us everything we need to know about him.


If you want the most effective diet, get locked in an Alabama county jail; sheriffs are paid $1.75 per prisoner, per day to feed the inmates, and they are still able to make a profit of it.


A stupid question you will ask, waved aside like a fly on black pudding you will be. Old Welsh saying.


“Republicans should not deceive themselves by thinking the current state of this law automatically works to their advantage,” he wrote in National Review. “While many of them used it offensively on January 6, 2021, they did so because they were trailing in Electoral College votes.”

Yeah, that was pretty offensive, all right.


There you go, parading on someone’s rain, again.


Occurs to one member for 10 seconds how maybe it might not be so nice if Democrats did to Republicans what the GOP has done for a decade now.


The Texas realtor said that if she loses weight, “it will be worth going to prison.”

Wow, and I thought I was shallow.


Project much, Ben?

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They don’t want to fix it, they want to game it. Any suggestion from any R should automatically be a non-starter in any D-controlled body.


She could sell houses over Zoom from her cell, provided she is allowed a computer and the Internet. The latter might be expensive, given the rates charged for phone calls in prisons.


Not to mention that realistic goal of losing 30 lbs in 60 days by eating prison provided protein shakes and bars.


From what I have seen during and since the last election it is abusively obvious that Goobers do not want free and fair elections… hands down and drop the mike.


Big credit for using the Very Scary Black Lady Making Decisions Against Republicans Based on Her Inherently Corrupt and Corrupting Blackity Black Blackness argument to try to convince Republicans to do the right thing for the wrong reason, but the argument only works if there are ten Republicans in the Senate who think it is possible for a Republican to ever win the popular vote.


Actually, he’s trying to remove Harris’s discretion when presented with a slate of delegates selected based on the popular vote and a slate selected by a state legislature that decides the popular vote was the result of (sinister melodrama music) Voter Fraud.


$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ they will make


But who’s going to be around to buy copies of NYT or WAPO in the The United States of Dystopia?


They won’t be able to do that behind closed doors though, to do so they would have to remove all Democratic oversight of elections, and Democrats won’t stand for that. A lot of Republican election workers won’t either, the majority of people who actually count the votes believe that the count matters and would refuse to doctor the results. If Republicans control the reporting of results, they may try to change them, but that would be caught by the counters and Democrats. And, Republican legislatures, secretaries of state, or governors arbitrarily change the results, that will be out in the open as well…there’s no way to disguise it if the people of, say, PA elect Biden and the legislature changes the winner to the Republican.

All of this will be out in public, so when Congress gets it there will be an obvious reason to contest those state electoral votes. Harris will be able to make sure the process happens as it should, so if Congressional Republicans decide to push their cheating through the nation will know about it. How that all shakes out I don’t know, but it won’t be a secret process that Harris and the Democrats just go along with, and hopefully the rest of the nation is infuriated by the stealing of an election and bombards the people in Congress so they back off.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Time for a stern letter, huh?

They DO NOT CARE about doing it all out in the open. In fact, part of the whole point is to do it all out in the open. It’s a more satisfying “own” and display of power and primacy to subjugate everyone they hate out in the open and in our faces. And they now have the backstops in place to do it, all the way up through and including having mooted John Roberts’ entire existence.

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"…disagreement with the popular-vote results does not.”

Good point. Sneaky fucker…

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From what I understand about a diet of prisoner’s loaf, it seems like it would be pretty easy to cut down on eating.

But then of course you could lose the whole battle if your ride stopped at McDonald’s on the way home afterwards.

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There’d be nothing left. Eastman’s premise was about as sound as the underpants gnomes’. There’s no there, there.

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