Ben Ginsberg Issues Warning To Fellow Republicans About Law Governing Electoral Count | Talking Points Memo

Democracy provides that opportunity with every election.

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This is getting a lot of attention on the networks: Unfortunately, the people who need to read these things will not.

I heartd the author on CNN. He said facts mean nothing to those trump supporters who really believe all the RW propaganda – stolen election, blacks displacing white people.

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Speaks how, does Yoda, a Welshman, was he?

Has it ever occurred to anyone that half the reason they keep trying this is to scare the left into believing that nothing it does can work and that one way or another the far right will eventually take over and we’re basically doomed, so why even bother, let’s just give up and accept the inevitable and make the most of it? I.e. Tokyo Rose psy-ops.


I hear ya, but I just don’t know. I do know we’re in one of the most dangerous times ever.


With the brain fog of covid before them, they are an unstoppable stupid.

Strong and appropriate reaction vs. overreaction, or worse, just shutting down and giving up.

When your enemy is weak, they often resort to mind tricks and bluffing and playing you off each other.

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No, I am not considering that. That kind of belittling, stereotyping insult is why Alex Jones can get people riled up about “coastal elites.” And, of course, it’s completely anti-productive in persuasion.

Seriously, would you buy anything from someone who started by saying, “Oh, I see you live in Manhattan, you must be some kind of liberal weirdo freak.”

One of the things that very much disappointed me about Pres Obama (who overall I did and do like and respect) was removing Howard Dean as Chairman of the Democratic Party. The 50-state strategy worked.

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You seem to be under the impression that there’s something Dems could offer up to people who have proven by their voting records and policing that they are very much bigots. If you think you have some magical solution to form a coalition with such people, we’re all ears. But if you look at just CA where those “coastal elites” live, you’ll see a big red patch in the “rural areas” that has given us people like Nunes and McCarthy…repeatedly.

Yes, but they aren’t interested in the possibility that they don’t win they way they think they deserve to…there’s now a real religious belief among many Republicans that this is a holy war and only they deserve to rule the land. It goes against the idea that the Democrats have any right to win elections, which easily feeds into the narrative that any Democrat that wins must have cheated. Most of the voting laws and maneuvering is way below the point that people notice, so the average Republican doesn’t realize they are the ones doing the cheating.

The only things they like better are helpful comments like these:

IF they don’t change the law, the way the law is written or interpreted is that the VICE PRESIDENT determines what electoral votes that are ‘acceptable’ to that VP.

So Kamala could (COULD) say, Texas redistricting map is/was illegal in so many ways, I won’t allow Texas’ EV into the count. She ‘could’ say, I am only going to allow EVs from NY, ILL, CALIF and Hawaii. The law says it’s the votes of all the allowable states, and at the time we did not have FIFTY states so I don’t know (38 states, Hayes 21 states, Tilden 17 AND Tilden the Dem won the popular vote by 3%! and Hayes the EV 185 to 184) how they worked it out (GOP Senate, DEM House).

But according to Eastman the VP is the sole determiner IF a state’s EVs should COUNT. The VP determines if each state’s election was kosher.

Wow, YOU BE HARSH, sniffit.

He ‘did’ win in 2016.

Saying he ‘can’t’ was the problem with had in 2016. NOBODY believed it.

Fooled me for a few minutes too.

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Or at least everything we need to know (though we know it already) about the GQP…

Breaking: Mount Stupid reaches new record altitude…


None of that is accurate.

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As far as we know, everything is infinite  : - )

In four years we’ve gone from “Make America Great Again” to “Steal It”.

Speaking of which, I’m surprised how little I’ve heard pundits punditing on conservative gangs rushing stores.

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