For the odd melange of foreign policy and nakedly transactional deal-making that characterized the Trump administration, Tom Barrack was a fit.
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For the odd melange of foreign policy and nakedly transactional deal-making that characterized the Trump administration, Tom Barrack was a fit.
He also resembles Daddy Warbucks in at least one way.
So who is Little Orphan Annie? The USA?
How much did he grift? And how much tribute did he pay to The Don, Capo di Tutti Crappo.
I am not sure that President Obama’s recognizing a country for improving their record on human rights is the same “train” that says give Jarod and Ivanka money and I’ll sell you a US nuclear power company.
Follow the money.
To Erik Prince.
And Betsy Wetsy.
Each segment of Trump’s collection of minions…Weisselberg, Gaetz, Barrack…etc…opens up a number of doors.
Did Barrack get a friends and family discount?
No discounts from The Capo!
“The dude raised a lot of $$$ for you sir.”
Grubby Trump
A garage band name just lying there waiting…
So was the fact of an open investigation on Barrack the excuse that Rosenstein and later Barr used to keep redacted–or out of the Mueller report altogether–all the stuff on the Erik Prince Emirati Russia meeting in the Seychelles? Trying to remember what if anything was in it.
Barrack Hustlin’ Oscamma? Lock him up!
There’s a long line of characters starting with Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Rudy…choose your poison, oh, almost forgot that fat fuck Mike Pompeo. Each of them putting their own interests above that of the country.
Good lede, Josh.
The one and only person who calls him Daddy, namely that cutie-pie Ivanka.
Did Barrack think no one was minding the store? The store being the US?
If Trump had given him a pardon, wouldn’t it have had to be a blanket pardon? Would that have saved him?
A Confederacy of Dunces. A Confederacy of Grifters. A Confederacy of Criminals. A Confederacy of Assholes.
Based on this still not showing up at all on Faux News today that I can tell, I’m starting to think this is going to lead to very bad places for people and they know it. Usually, they might temporarily ignore a big story like this and then come out with some half-assed rebuttal and whitewashing attempt, but there’s just nothing this time.
In the TFG’s administration?
Kelly Ann Conway.
That should twist the background image enough to fit the distortion Donnie brought to everything.