Attorney General Bill Barr appointed two new officials to lead the Federal Bureau of Prisons following the death of accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who died of apparent suicide while in federal custody.
Remember: Top-Down Crooked is difficult to stop. Only OUTSIDE action can make a dent. Individual Profiles in Courage working on the inside have a chance but only if OUTSIDE actors listen.
I got this from RawStory, via AP
“Barr named Kathleen Hawk Sawyer, the prison agency’s director from 1992 until 2003, to replace Hurwitz. Hurwitz is moving to a role as a deputy in charge of the bureau’s reentry programs, where he will work with Barr on putting in place the First Step Act, a criminal justice overhaul.”
Hmm. Barr is really angry about Epstein being allowed to commit suicide. So he doesn’t can the Prison’s Chief, he replaces him but has Hurwitz come work for him on a CJ overhaul. Remove Hurwitz from his job, but keep him close and on a string?
Something is seriously suspicious about this announcement. Kathleen Hawk Sawyer has direct, previous experience in this same role, is highly regarded in the penal system, has a record of bipartisan accolades and is very qualified for the job. This makes no sense.
Barr seems to be awfully quick in assigning blame or scapegoats…but in his second stint as USAG, he has been dragging his feet in releasing the Mueller Report in which the probe is already done AND LIED about the report too…Imagine that!
Coverup General Barr is MUELLERing the Epstein case which he should be recused from due to conflicts of interest ie his father dubiously hired young Epstein to teach without college degree!