NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Barack Obama will deliver a televised prime-time commencement address for the high school class of 2020 during an hour-long event that will also feature LeBron James, Malala Yousafzai and Ben Platt, among others.
I can just see the heads exploding at 1600 after this. No matter…it will be nice to hear President Obama speak again…a man who can form complete sentences and actually form a thoughtful comment on current events. Looking forward to this.
Or some kind of counter production. That is, he already is forcing the West Point cadets to come listen to his drivel (and somehow the academy is allowing him to put their graduates at risk, but that’s another show). So maybe he finds something going on that night or puts on another show at the Lincoln Memorial or something.
Emergency presidential address the major networks are required to broadcast. Content of which won’t matter, though I could see Trump dropping a bomb and starting a war to preempt this.
I hope Obama delivers a powerful and rousing speech about how it’s past time to Open America Up and get everyone back to work, and definitely no handouts for the little folk.
Trump would order a nationwide lockdown through the end of the year and MoscowMitch would table a universal basic income relief package within an hour.
Every time he speaks in public, even if it’s just a tweet about some minor holiday, it’s like De Gaulle broadcasting to the Free French, letting us know there’s a whole world out there, our own world from the recent past, actually, where rational problem-solving and a modest but real respect for objective reality and telling the truth still persist as values. It’s all still inside us, and he’s a symbol of its continued existence. It’s probably our greatest power right now. Which is why a president giving a commencement address, a pretty commonplace thing in ordinary times, probably won’t be this time. Just a guess.