Autopsy: Unusual Bone Breakages Deepen Mystery Of Epstein’s Death

Open your eyes sheeple!


I don’t see why there would need to be any instructions at all.

Barr knows why he’s there, and what is expected of him. He’s also pre-disposed to provide what is expected of him, and we know that by his past behavior during his first stint as AG (Iran-Contra coverup), and because of the essay he wrote when applying for his second stint as AG.

These people know what’s expected of them.
There’s no other reason for them to be there.


True, but apparently that was his attitude throughout—he never wavered. More importantly, by itself this wouldn’t mean that much (your explanation would cover it) but in conjunction with the other suspicious reports it might be significant.

True, Trump is definitely dumb enough to launch a conspiracy in front of the whole world. Bill Bar, however, is not dumb. Malevolent and awful in every way, but definitely not dumb.

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I’ll see your FRE 402 and raise you with Fed, R. Crim. P. 29(a).

When you’re stuck in the hospital with a catheter inserted and feeder tube down your throat, sometimes you gotta watch what your roommate is watching.


That’s obviously a good point.

My sympathies …


You’re yet again conflating “sufficient evidence to sustain a conviction” (i.e., beyond a reasonable doubt) with whether there is any evidence at all. You like to say “essentially no evidence”, but no, it IS evidence. Whether it is sufficient to satisfy the standard of guilt is an entirely separate and secondary question. The cumulative effect of multiple pieces of evidence, each insufficient to meet the standard by itself, can in fact meet the standard. Treating a fact as though it is not evidence of the crime just because it isn’t a smoking gun is nonsense. That’s precisely what Trump and the MSM have done with 500 pages of Mueller Report chock full of evidence of obstruction and collusion.


If Barr knows that he has to protect Trump from bad things that Jeffrey Epstein might know and speak about, why would he let SDNY indict and imprison Epstein in the first place?

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What better way to control what Epstein is able to make public than to have him in your custody? What better way to silence him than sending him to the great orgy in the sky? What better way to have him where you want him to kill him than by charging him and taking him into custody?


Those are hardly contradictory statements.

Correct. Now, what other evidence of criminal conspiracy to commit murder or whatever are you relying on? How plausible is it that the totality of that evidence is likely to establish the existence of said conspiracy? And is it consistent with the totality of the known facts of the case?

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Weasel words.

There’s plenty of evidence that is suggestive of something conspiratorial having taken place to arrive at a dead Epstein. None of it is a smoking gun.

That has nothing to do with whether is is correct to say that there is no evidence.

If the goal is to have the guy killed, putting him in prison and under the authority of the federal courts and the U.S. Bureau of prisons is one hell of a way to go about it.

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“Suggestive” is a pretty low threshold for conspiracy mongering.

Um, so, I guess I stupidly thought prisons were overly monitored places? At this point, I’m assuming there’s less digital “watching” than at your typical London intersection. The most shocking thing about the Epstein story is that you could either get murdered or commit suicide in the middle of a prison without anyone knowing. I realize some people really hate extensive CCTV arrays, but you kind of give up the right to debate that after crossing the prison threshold, don’t you?


Yes but in order to break your neck hanging yourself you have to engineer a fall now tell me how he did that in a jail cell.


I have no idea. Neither do you.

ETA: Better to say I have no information. I can speculate, of course, but that wouldn’t be productive.

Nope I don’t but I’m pretty damn sure that was impossible.

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Was there a bed with an upper bunk?

Don’t know but he’d have to have jumped off it to make this work to break his neck multiple times and I still can’t imagine it working.

You can kick the chair out from under you and still not break your neck. Ex: my cousin.

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