Audit Backfires! Trumpy Sham ‘Audit’ Counts More Votes For Biden, Drafts Show | Talking Points Memo

And the morons run smack into that brick wall called reality!

Their response? “Reality is a plot by AOC and the Crew!”

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Who has standing to bring a civil suit? (besides the AZ senate, who will not acknowledge their own pisspoor judgement for having hired these clowns in the first place)

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This just proves how crafty the FRAUD really was!

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Sounds pretty much how it happens here in St. Louis County, MO, except for the COP part.

Off the top of my head, In regard to a civil action, anyone who donated to it. Also, anyone, including the county, who incurred expenses because of it. Individuals defamed to include the Secretary of State and County election officials , the company that makes the voting machines, very likely any group that represents voters targeted like the NAACP, maybe even any two or more residents who share the same name and age. Of course the DOJ would have standing for both criminal and civil.

Now this is not an all inclusive list nor am I saying that all the above have standing, but some clearly do and without looking at it harder, others could.



I may have shared this before, but a little over a decade ago, I lost a friend down the ‘Naked Short Selling’ rabbit-hole. He ingratiated himself with Patrick Byrne and got a job working on his website ‘Deep Capture’ (Mr. Byrne has a penchant for prefacing projects with ‘Deep’ maybe as a tribute to the ‘deep state’).

Good to see he’s still a nut.


Donation is not a contract.

anyone, including the county, who incurred expenses because of it.

Try sueing city hall because it cost you money to comply with a law they passed. The senate did pass a law authorizing them to conduct this fraudit.

Individuals defamed to include the Secretary of State and County election officials

Public figures. And their personal monetary damages were what?

any group that represents voters targeted like the NAACP

Doubtful, otherwise they’d already have filed.

any two or more residents who share the same name and age

Er whut? What damage have these two residents experienced?

the DOJ would have standing for both criminal and civil.

They may have criminal standing for the spoliation of the ballots within two years of the election, and indeed have already served notice of that concern. But my question is what civil standing do they have?

bu,bu,bu…we didn’t get to check for sauerkraut stains on those ballots we think are from Germany! Parmesan scents from Italy?? What would you believe?


I disagree with some of your comments but that was not my original point.

The original point is had they claimed Trump really had won the election and had no evidence or fraudulent evidence to make that claim, we would be having a different conversation. But as they found Biden really did win but ……, I agree they are likely safe.

But had they declared Trump won because of the voting machines or because of Warren Buffet or because voting officials, or because of named individuals voting multiple times in violation of the law or because certain groups or ……, I think there would have been a federal investigation and also individuals and defamed companies would have had causes of action.

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And in regard the donations, I will be surprised if in the next 12 months we do not learn of money being stiffened by either Cyber Ninjas for personal expenses or by those who collected it.

Or do we need to be reminded how these hucksters like Brannon and the NRA like to fleece their own.

Many have made those claims, and all that happened is that some of the attorneys among them got sanctioned by a michigan federal court for wasting the court’s time.

Dominion and Smartmatic are pursuing civil remedies, but they indisputably have standing and have suffered substantial quantifiable losses,

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They’ll just conclude that they need to fraudit harder.


What kind of ninjas wear color-coded t-shirts anyway?


Until they’re not paid any more.


wielding only their dumbchucks


They’d better.

And they’d better spend more   ; - )

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He represents a district that goes all the way to Rio Grande and leans conservative. He has said he is personally opposed to abortion.

He does not need to be replaced with a “true progressive” who will be stomped into the dirt in the general election.


More Ranking Republicans need to open their eye & see reality
… and open their mouths and speak reality

Like this …

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didn’t say he did. however, it should be noted that nothing you said changes the accuracy of my post nor the appropriateness of assigning him the title of shitstain.

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