Look up Henry Gunther. He was the last American solider killed in WWI. He died just seconds before the guns fell silent. Like the war his death was utterly pointless. I don’t want to be Covid’s Henry Gunther.
This sounds like typical Democratic-speak.
“Let’s just move on.”
Hopefully, New York’s Attorney General won’t be persuaded. Criminals do need to be held accountable.
We went through the Mueller-time investigation that saw money laundering and treason treated like a traffic infraction. Our new President may not have the stomach for prosecuting thieves and scoundrels…and that’s ok.
That’s what prosecutors are for.
I trust that Biden, unlike Trump, will allow the AG’s office to do their job. This is no time to allow unlawful acts to not be investigated. Doing so will only lead to a repeat of history in the near future.
He did say that the decisions on prosecution would be left to an independent AG. That means that whining to Biden about prosecutions would be deflected because that position should not be controlled by the POTUS, as opposed to the AG being the POTUS personal attorney, which is the case with Trump.
By the way, if we want to talk about social isolation, our daughter lives only a few hours away, but in Canada and we haven’t seen her since January, because Canadians, shocked by the out of control infection rates in the US, have insisted that the border remain closed. Sort of like they built a wall and the US is paying for it.
Good thinking. What’s the point in having a Death Valley if there’s no one dead in it?
No one wants to be the last one to die in a war that is going to end soon, this is no different.
This didn’t go over well when Dan Patrick suggested the elderly take one for the team.
With a vaccine in the horizon, Atlas’s advice is going to be met with even more outrage and jeers.
Even better, spending the holidays swapping spit with your Mee-Maw and Pappy will increase their chance of dying from COVID, but also your chances of getting it and spreading it and thus furthering herd immunity.
Kentucky is on the verge of a out-of-control outbreak that overwhelms our hospitals. Gov. Andy Beshear is threatening new measures, but “not as restrictive as in the Spring.” ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?
Andy, I love you, but we now have 10 times the daily cases and deaths we had in the Spring. At least one Louisville bar owner is begging Andy to shut the fucking state DOWN before we are North Dakota.
There’s no place to hide.
What is wrong with us? We not only have telephones, we also have FaceTime, Zoom, and other video meeting capabilities. There’s texting. Email. Why can’t people “feel connected” using these strategies? Why the insistence on pressing the flesh, regardless of the danger?
It is also an excuse to avoid the assholes in the family. The crazy uncles will probably be COVID vectors anyway. Hopefully, we won’t have COVID as an excuse next year so take advantage of it now.
Why is this bozo still talking and, more importantly, why is anyone still listening to him?
This guy is a monster.
Atlas is getting way beyond his medical competence (which isn’t that great).Now he is a social worker. Where does Trump get these idiots?
Has anyone asked Atlas what his plan is for the hospitals that are so full they cannot effectively treat anyone coming in the doors, no matter the diagnosis? Hospitals in North Dakota are offering nurses willing to come there $4000+ per week plus travel, room and board because they have no healthcare workers left. People like Trump and Atlas have managed to create the ultimate healthcare nightmare. My wife and I are both retired nurses, and never had to face anything like this in our careers, even when working in ERs when a local disaster filled the ER with trauma cases. This is beyond the scope of most people’s imaginations.
So Alan Grayson had it ‘right’ all along. He said the Republicans’ plan was “don’t get sick”, and “if you do get sick, die quickly.” After demands from Republicans that he apologize, he defended his comment and in a House floor speech stated, “I apologize to the dead and their families that we haven’t voted sooner to end this holocaust in America.”
Atlas is a homocidal psychopath, like Donnie: birds of a feather.
They’re like the nurse who ‘compassionately’ treats their patients with an overdose of medication.
When the power shifts, they should be treated as such.
These people flock to him like moths to a flame. Its like they all give off a pheromone only the douchy of douch can detect and they are drawn to it.
There are 70,000,000 Americans who agree with him. Go figure.