As Of Midnight, Texas Is Living In A Post-Roe World

A Texas law that bans all abortions after six weeks of pregnancy went into effect Wednesday after the Supreme Court let the midnight deadline to stop it pass.

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Greg Abbott will definitely be elected president now. :roll_eyes:

ETA: Texas has been living in a post-Roe world since Casey. But it’s a little early to declare abortion over in Texas. A state court has already issued a TRO preventing some of the eager-beaver uterine guardians from filing any lawsuits, and I think it is more likely than not that this garbage statute will get struck down by the state courts because vigilante standing is not a thing. What’s going to be interesting in the days and weeks to come is whether abortion providers start shutting down on their own accord out of fear that they’re going to get sued. I think most of them have rather more spine than that, and it probably helps that they’re in blue or purple counties. You’ll have a hard time finding a jury in Austin that’s going to hold anyone liable for facilitating an abortion.


It’s almost as if Hillary was right all along.


Texas neuters Roe Vs. Wade



He accomplished putting gun everywhere and do away with licensing, banned abortion, took the right to vote away from the darkies, banned masks mandates during a pandemic. The guy really has quite impressive resume, DeSantis and other aspirants have a lot of catch up work to do.


Think about the pundits who screamed “what about the women!!!1!” when it came to us withdrawing from Afghanistan.

Boy, when that fury turns upon what the Republicans have done right here in the United States, it’s going to be ugly. You just wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And wait.


Or their “little angel’s” (but that’s ‘different’ :roll_eyes: :innocent: :man_facepalming:).


This is a good example of SCOTUS conservatives weaponizing the ‘shadow docket’.

Expect to see more precedent-busting decisions be made with this no-hearing, no-arguments, no-explanation method.


And Republicans are complaining about Taliban rule in Afghanistan. Time to look in the mirror.


Good to see TPM FINALLY picking up this story. A little late to the game, ffs.


The Taliban is back in power in Afghanistan. The “Christianist” Taliban is in power in Texas.


I realize this has been a dream goal for many conservative Republicans and they have tried to make this happen so many times over the years, but I’m starting to also wonder now if this is not viewed as perhaps their only way of remaining viable to their core? They would like to see this issue become a major topic of discussion for 2022 midterm elections as they would get out their base that might otherwise remain home. They will pitch it as you have to vote Republican as this is the most important issue, etc. They can re-sell themselves and change the narrative away from the January 6th Insurrection efforts of such a large number of the Republicans and towards an issue where Democrats will fight among themselves.

Forget that once you are born, the Republican Party tells you to go to hell if you are not one of the “anointed ones” (look at their policy decisions, their covid-19 responses, child care position (mothers should stay at home, etc) health care positions, education positions for the general population (they all make use of private schools or magnet schools that teach the right things), and the list goes on… That is why many states are making it harder for their citizens to vote, as the Republicans are hell-bent on restricting the voting rights of anyone not white. They are embolden as demographics are against them and this is the only way they can remain in power and control. And now, they feel they have the right type of SCOTUS in charge.

The minority should not have unlimited control (this is why the filibuster rules were altered to allow paralysis in the Senate), but until the rules are changed, it will continue.


It’s past time to dissolve the union.


Just saw your reply. Like minds…

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No, this is badly overblown. Minority voter participation in Texas is up substantially over the course of the last decade, despite and probably because of Texas’s penny ante voter suppression efforts like voter ID. The elections bill that just passed – and I have read every word of it – is a nothingburger aimed pretty much solely at redressing Trump’s 2020 electoral grievances. Who gives a shit whether local officials can preemptively mail out absentee ballot requests or do drive-through voting or hold a 24-hour voting day? The result of Lina Hidalgo doing all that crap in Harris County last year was that Trump increased his share of the vote there by 1%. We did precisely none of it in Dallas County, where Biden improved over Hillary’s already overwhelming vote by almost 4.5%. It’s all window-dressing.


I’m an experimentalist. While I hope what you think will happen does in fact happen, I’ll need to see it. People need to stay the course and realize that the Republican Party will not go quietly, but can be marginalized by consistently voting and pushing back in the courts when necessary.


That’s an awful broad brush you’ve got there. Probably ought not to go painting anything with it.


Nice turn of a phrase.


I know, but he can go to the GOP convention, claiming to have set the most strict “election integrity” laws anywhere. And they all know that it means voter suppression, and they all know who it is directed to.