Arizona AG Candidate Denies 2022 Election Results With Trumped-Up Lawsuit

Yet another Republican candidate for office in Arizona is refusing to accept his loss—or, in this case, a recount.

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The ballots may have been transposed or misplaced, ghosts may have stolen them and used them to create spectral bonfires, and UFOs probably reversed the polarities of the circuit boards of voting machines… and magically we are confident these random processes all conspired to subtract GOP votes!


Hope he is shown the door.


"Abe Hamadeh filed a lawsuit—with backing from the Republican National Committee because he is behind by 510 votes, wants to blame it on something technical, without proof.

Certainly the RNC also sees problems with Lauren Boebert winning by 554 votes:

Or is it just “self-interest” moves by a loser?


desperado: noun: : a bold or violent criminal

especially : a bandit of the western U.S. in the 19th century*

  • and now in the 21st century too…

“Upon information and belief

Show me the errors.
And isn’t a fool and his money soon parted with when the results automatically call for a recount?


It would be nice to see more sanctions against lawyers filing bullshit arguments supported by unsupported facts but I guess that depends on how tolerant the judge is.


The real miracle of the AZ elections is that none of the complete assholes driving trucks and waving flags and guns around haven’t killed anyone yet as far as we know.

I am so overjoyed that Mayes is winding up leading this buffoon who ran on making sure that a Civil War era law enacted when AZ was just a territory would be reinstated outlawing any and all abortions with criminal penalties for both the doctors and the women.

BTW, the AZ Superior Court is loaded with bad appointments from Ducey and may join right in on the RW fun with Hamadeh.


Kind of OT but still in AZ
Two of our extremely rural blood red counties are threatening not to certify their results which would apparently remove their vote counts from the totals which would catapult Mayes and some other close contests right up to undisputed Democratic winners. This would especially be fun with the Superintendent of Schools position which was narrowly won by an aging white man who promised to install a hotline to track down anyone teaching CRT blah blah blah fucking blah


Wanna see this guy’s head explode?

Show him how the first election law the AZ territory passed in 1865 guaranteed the right to vote for…

(wait for it)



I guess this candidate for Superintendent of Schools hasn’t followed up with Youngkin’s hotline debacle.


Okay, let’s say for the sake of argument that there were some problems with this election. How does that automatically make him the winner? That’s not how elections work.


Oh my. That would be quite the self-own.

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“Upon information and belief“. Bwahahahaha.

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It was not UFO's. It was the Jewish Space Laser's™.

For FSM's sake people, let's have some consistency in our Conspiracy Theories.


A bit* off-topic: English is a living language and for my particular flavor of OCD it can be an irritant. The change to “begs the question”, the rise of “different than” and “try and”, calling attorneys general and solicitors general “general”…these things chafe weirdos like me. But there is one small change that I think should be implemented immediately: the permanent capitalization the phrase “Trumped-up”. The concept of an embellished, exaggerated, faked situation should forever be personally tied to TFG.

Old and Busted: “the guy was arrested on a completely bogus trumped-up charge”
New Hotness: “the guy was arrested on a completely bogus Trumped-up charge”

It could easily expand the usage of the phrase to places or events. “Yeah, we stayed at that hotel, but it was completely Trumped-up and overpriced.” Maybe “wow, that was really a Trump-up” could come into vogue.

*Okay, a lot


So that’s the secret of the Jewish space ship armed with Jewish space lasers: The space ships themselves are in the shape of…Jewish stars, and I ain’t talking Natalie Portman.


Better to show el stupid this info, a Mexican-American as AZ governor. But stand back as head explodes


Oh, ffs, this line was old and tired the first time. The reason Mr. Hamadeh lost the election is that his opponent got more votes than he did. This should not be a difficult concept.


I remember in the 1990s, Republicans were hot to trot on “loser pays” legal reform. That is, the person who lodges the suit pays the court costs and the defendant’s legal fees in the event he loses the suit.

Something tells me Republicans aren’t so interested in taking that up these days.