Appeals Court Delays Graham’s Testimony Before Fulton County Grand Jury

Currently Beto is gaining on him, and part of his pitch is that Abbott never talks to the good folks whom he governs.


Delay, or reversal?

Sooner or later, Lucky Lindsay’s luck will run out. It usually does with such people, and the consequences can be pretty bad.


Graham should be charged tomorrow with “attempting to influence or disrupt the lawful administration of Georgia’s 2020 elections.” He has been given an opportunity to avoid being charged and he said “Nya nya nya, come get me suckers.”

I have a short list of shoulds because people wouldn’t survive the last couple of items anyway.


He’s a creature of the Texas GOP, with all of its worst tendencies in showy ascendence because he wants to be president.

Beto’s still the underdog, and he’s going to stay that way all the way through Election Day. The trick is that we don’t have any idea which electorate is going to vote this fall.

Is it a repeat of 2018? Beto will lose.

Is it a repeat of 2020? Beto will lose.

If it’s a repeat of 2020 on the Dem side and a repeat of 2018 on the GOP side – i.e., the Trump megafans stay home because their Golden Calf isn’t on the ballot – Beto wins.

I’ll be keeping an eye on the early voting numbers once it starts in October.


Well, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise ! Gomer Pyle USMC’s famous quote is spot on again. Who 'da thunk the corrupt, racist, fucking 11th Circuit would favor an elite White Supremist over a black DA from Fulton County ? Color me embarrassed for my country.


(Sorry, but I’m hearing Sinatra) Nice work, if you can get it and you can get it if you try.


OT: Hadn’t realized there were pedos in German pizza parlor basements.


And to cover his ass bigly.


My long-time Texas friend has declared I’m an honorary Texan and I’d have to agree about Abbott.


just another hack fake conservative at the mercy of his rapacious apetites, lusts and desires.

Lindsaay’s “lusts and desires” aside, he still might plant a big wet snog on Judge Ms. May.


While it doesn’t say so, I gather the Court of Appeals would have the District Judge engage in the analysis she had determined to be unnecessary (fn 6 on p. 14). Given the importance of the issue and thus the appropriateness of clear instruction to the District Court, this is a remarkably opaque order - but perhaps by design. Tick tick tick.




What did Alexander Hamilton mean when he proposed a Speech and Debate clause immunity. Ouiji boards and I Ching involved in getting to the bottom of the founders state of mind. Then on to Thomas who is a master of discerning the founders intent.


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than the Texas GOP. It’s what happens when a state gets so lopsided that the only thing that matters is pandering to low-information, high-propaganda primary voters.


That’s a pretty decent interpretation, but the issue was still teed up for the 11th Circuit to rule on it. That they didn’t reeks of kicking the testimonial can down the road until sometime after November 8.


And yet there has been a serious exodus of Californians to Texas in recent months, it must the low taxes and almost non existent regulations and their costs that appeal to them; the politics of the state might be the least of their concerns. Somewhat affordable housing could also be a draw.


They’re not moving to Lubbock or Tyler. They’re moving to Dallas and Houston and Austin and their vicinities – Blue State Texas. And they’ve got until October 11 to register to vote.


Speech and Debate clause immunity.

Damn, you’re not talking wiggle room! That’s some clause, wider than Trumps ass!


I hope you got to read the great article in today’s WaPo by Jada Yuan about how hard Beto is campaigning in deep red areas of Texas where he has to confront crowds of gun nuts and delusional red necks literally threatening him with their penis enhancers and he courageously standing his ground in town after town. He’s going the extra miles searching for those people who don’t vote or those sick of the power going off under Abbot and those who have been moved by Roe repeal or the dead children and teachers in Uvalde. Best thing in WaPo today. Beto’s got big balls going into those towns.
Edit to add this was in reply to Emilianos “Abbot is a queer duck” comment above.


Don’t slip up Lindsey on your “a peal”

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