Appeals Court Delays Graham’s Testimony Before Fulton County Grand Jury

Pretty sweet gig for liars, charlatans and reprobates.


Does anyone happen to know how long the GA Special Grand Jury will be in session? What timeframe is Graham shooting for with delays? I suppose another GJ could be seated if Graham’s testimony is important enough.


From the Article:

[“On Sunday, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Graham does not have to comply with the subpoena from the grand jury until his attorneys and Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis outline arguments about what types of questions the GOP senator can be asked in light of constitutional protections he has as a sitting member of Congress”] (emphasis added)

Bear in mind that the so-called perceived “advantages” Graham would reap lie in the opinions commonly held about Fani Willis.

She is not inept.


I somehow think that remanding to the District Court judge, who found Graham’s arguments to be utterly meritless, is not going to do much more than buy a little more time for him to disappear into the Witness Protection Program or to practice his taking the fifth techniques.


Graham is not a target (yet) of an investigation into felonious acts. He is only being subpoenaed as a fact witness and is advocating for a ridiculously broad interpretation of both what constitutes “speech and debate” and what are the spacial limits of “in either House.”


Of course this goes well beyond Graham. Republicans of all stripes have ignored subpoenas to appear and account for their actions. This tactic would clearly not work for anyone else subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury, court of law, or legislative committee. The message they are sending to their constituents is that they are free to ignore the law when it suits them.


Not all Senators.

Heaven forfend if the offending Senator is a Democrat. No court would stand for them not testifying, if they had to drag the person there, kicking and screaming.

There is law for GQP and there is law for Democrats. The Dems get the short end of a very dirty stick while the GQP wanders off to create more chaos as the courts protect them from accountability and us from the depth of the garbage they’ve done.

Nice work, if you can get it.


Only if they’ve done the requisite ass kissing beforehand.

“fact-finding and oversight responsibility”


his “fact-finding and oversight responsibility” as the then-Senate Judiciary Committee chair

Funny how his fact-finding and oversight only extends as far as Trump’s personal electoral interests. Then again, if his calls are entirely above-board, then what does he have to hide?


They certainly are trumpers in the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans. They’re mad about the boy.

The Fifth handles cases that originate in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. More than half of its active judges have strong Texas ties.

@chelsea530 @jhand @txlawyer


Just for context, the 11th Circuit is the hackiest appellate court imaginable, even somewhat worse than the 5th.


IANAL but I don’t see this as a real win for him as it appears to be entirely procedural and in no way dispositive. I’m fairly certain that he will have to give testimony, under oath and on the record.


How many Jim Crow flicks have we seen with Jim Crow jurisprudence? Huckleberry has cemented his membership in the Club.

It certainly does not burnish his reputation as someone who is willing or capable of handling the truth…and it fools no one.


You do realize that this is taking place in today’s USA, right? Who are these people with a lick of sense you speak of? :rofl:

Seriously, though, anyone who knows what’s going on understand what he’s trying to do. It’s pathetic, like him, just another hack fake conservative at the mercy of his rapacious apetites, lusts and desires.


If DA Willis changes Graham to a target of the investigation can we skip the arguments about what he’s willing to discuss? I wish she could decide that this very long debate isn’t worth wasting time on and charge Graham.


A friend has given me a gift subscription to Texas Monthly (she lives there, I live in CA), and I’m constantly surprised and dismayed about Texas politics, but never more so about Abbott and how he governs


Two of the 3 judges that heard the case are Trump appointees.


Abbott is a queer duck. I hope Beto can beat him


The district court already considered and ruled at length on the very issue that is being remanded for further briefing and consideration. The issue is already fully teed up for the 11th Circuit hacks to rule upon it. This delay is straight out of the MAGA legal textbook.


At which testimony he will repeatedly take the 5th.