Members of President Donald Trump’s campaign helped organized the “stop the steal” rally in Washington D.C. that transformed into the Capitol riot, according to the Associated Press.
Much of the women’s social media posts about the event, like the online footprint of many groups involved in planning the rallies, have since been wiped.
Uh, I have some bad news for y’all re: the internet and attempting to completely and totally remove things from it.
“Unfortunately, for months the left and the mainstream media told the American people that violence was an acceptable political tool,” the statement read. “They were wrong. It is not.”
Yet another example of “the bad stuff we did was really the the Democrats’ fault.”
So, does a blanket pardon for the the crimes of those on jan 6th on capitol hill also include the ones who conspired to put them there? Tune in next week while we deep-read the pardon text.
I agree with the old ditty that says “women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut and still think they are beautiful”. But I also agree those who said “empowering women means nothing if those women are dicks.”
As was said communicated to men in the old movie “Animal House” now needs also be told to women, “fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.”
Now I get that women can be at least as racist as men, but don’t these women Trumpers get that in addition to racism, these women are also engaged in a seditious attempt to overthrow democracy so that among other things they can be made forever subservient to men?
Ibn the last few days sporadically there is a Wi-Fi network that props close to my home that is called “FBISurveillanceVan”, so for that I am renaming my Wi-Fi “AntifaHQ”.
1 / I expect to be hearing MAGA crowds chant LOCK HER UP…well, never, really.
2 / But let’s LOCK THEM UP anyway.
3 / Then legally squeeze their metaphorical testicles (because John Yoo says it’s legal) until they give up Trump as Conspiracy MasterMind.
I just love the whole idea that when all these cultists lay there head down at night, they fear the knock knock at the door. lol
wish I had all there addresses, i would run around all night knocking on doors just to keep them twitchy. lol