AOC, Pressley, Tlaib, Omar Hit Back At Trump’s Racist Tirade

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) didn’t take President Donald Trump’s racist attacks lying down on Sunday.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I prefer decorum in politics, but today I couldn’t be happier they’re hitting back HARD. No one deserves it more. I wish they could bang-zoom him to the moon, since he’s so taken with militarized space…


These tweets sound a little too polished and grammatical to be completely original and they’ve had the effect or bringing Democrats closer together.

So what do you suppose Trump is up to with these tweets?


Out of the disaster of the Iraq War we got the moral clarity of Obama’s “No” vote, which more than anything influenced my and many others’ support for him. Out of the shame of the Trump platform, we get the moral clarity of these freshmen, which more than anything makes me and many others support them.


I am pleased with this response…but I think people should take a look at Josh’s essay on NY investigations into Trump being curtailed.

Some of this singling out of these members of Congress has centered around Trump’s insults…other instances involve Democrats in Congress in general.

I would suggest that Congress (whatever the internal goings on of the Democratic Caucus are) get cracking on Barr. He needs to be brought in for questioning.

This is serious.


I hope they continue to fight back… and can somehow persuade Madam Speaker to start fighting.


I adore these women. I hope they keep bitch-smacking His RoyalAss in the WH every chance they get.


Reading the anger and clarity of The Squad’s comments was refreshing. The article would have been much better without Pelosi’s response, which came off as decided weak in contrast to what Omar, Pressley, Tlaib, and AOC had to say.

Now if only the media would ask every Republican if they think that Pressley Tlaib and AOC are owed an apology from Trump for his false and malicious claim that they were not born in this country…


Standing up to Cheetoh Donnie the Bully is a good thing. Bravo!


See my earlier post.

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What? The four wonderful women a certainly capable of articulate polished speech. I can’'t see any reason to be surprised.


I would suggest bringing in everyone BUT Barr. Don’t give him the chance to set the narrative. Instead, bring in Khuzami and demand to know why there had been no follow up with the Trump Org, why he left government, how the case was handed off to the next prosecutor, etc. etc…


It was sarcasm I am sure

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They had better start bringing in people…I agree…

OT Mueller had sterling support from the majority of Americans…we need to keep that in mind when we DO bring in people…


They socked it to him. Good for them to not hold back although I worry this is the beginning of a twitter war. I’m sure tRump will be in disbelief that young women have called him out like this. Somebody in public life has got to.


i think saraf meant Trump’s tweets, not the tweets of our strong congresswomen…


There are impeachable crimes being committed in the American Concentration Camps every hour.

Everyone involved from top-to-bottom should be prosecuted. Both those giving the orders and those following them. No one can claim ignorance.

And Pelosi and Schumer are enabling these crimes.


Trump’s tirade -instead of exacerbating the rift in the Democratic Party -has been a salve to help heal the wounds instead. I wonder if this was a miscalculation on his part? Surely, his base doesn’t need meat this raw and so far in advance of the election? Or is his hatred and racism just this implacable?


While I love the hard-hitting responses, Dem leadership needs to step in and

  1. Be specific about what ‘for the people’ legislation they will introduce in words everyone understands;
  2. Have each committee chair draw up an easy-to-read summary of the failures of the administration in his/her committee’s area and spread them out everywhere;
  3. Co-ordinate their attacks and messaging so they are on offense rather than defense.

I love the kids.